Lips of an Angel

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Damon POV

It felt unreal all in that moment. Watching her fall to the ground yet I was able to hide the emotion behind a stone cold expression. I could barely sense Stefan holding me back before grabbing my face. My vampire features had surfaced without even my knowledge. Memories once compelled were flooding back to me. Erika was with Katherine when I was human. I knew her. She told me so many stories and memories and yet took them all away. I didn't even have a second to process my thoughts before Stefan shook me roughly.

"Damon ...snap out of it. Come back Damon. I know... I have them back too." I squeezed my eyes shut before my features sunk back under the hidden veil and my body tensed. Turning it off could have been so easy, yet that would be exactly what everyone would expect of a weak vampire.

"Shut up Stefan. I don't want to talk about it right now." Shrugging Stefan off I glanced at Erik who walked with me towards the body once Klaus and Josef had walked off. Of course Klaus would be taking it the worst. Or maybe it was me, who could tell.

"She's gone..." Alexander mumbled before pressing a kiss to her forehead. "I never though this day would come and by Godric's fault." I watched as Erik's pulled her up into his arms and sighed softly.

"She is a witch...may be they will be able to help her..." Erik's features were as tense as mine yet some how I felt like a child in his presence.

"Bonnie and Kol can start digging." I looked to Bon Bon before glancing back at her corpse in Erik's arms instead of my own. " We also need to figure out why the hell Godric would be going against his own kind."

"He was different Damon. Godric hasn't killed in centuries and even tried to find a way to never kill. I don't think he found being a vampire as a blessing and more of a curse. Erika was the oldest after him...get rid of two giants in this vampire world and Augustine's job gets easier." Alexander refused to look to his mother as he went on about his beliefs of it all. "She knew this day would come. I just hope the otherside brings her peace."

"The witches will protect her over there. If she is as powerful as you say. I can start working on some spells to at least communicate to the dead witches." Bonnie shrugged before glancing at me and taking my hand giving it a squeeze. Once we were all inside I over herd Niklaus and Josef return even mentioning how I was taking it. Truth be told I wanted to drown in a bottle of bourbon and a hooker. Erik wandered outside as I walked into the green house connected to the quarter. Erik had placed her on the large wooden table surrounded by many different flowers, maybe to bring peace to it all if she really was gone for good.

"You had to go and get yourself killed. Just couldn't sit back and let someone else get the beating for once." I sat down and pulled the small flask from my jacket pocket and took a swig. "I never told anyone about you for a reason. You compelled me and Stefan to forget you. I should have listened to you as a human and never fall into Katherine's trap. That's why you left back in the 1800s. You saw me falling so hard for Katherine that you couldn't watch me become a vampire." I closed my eyes the memories played through my mind like it was yesterday.
You hair was golden like the sun and I couldn't resist to steal a glance at you and Katrina. She was lesser than you, merely by the madalion you wore around your neck revealing your stature. The last day I saw you was the worst. The winter snow was on the ground as you walked into my room and closed the door. The night moon and the candle light giving away your golden hair and form.

" Miss Edwards? What has you awake at such a late hour." I sat down my book at you sat down beside me on the bed and placed a hand on my cheek.

"Sweet Damon... I'm very sorry...I hear rumors from Katrina you want to be a vampire?" You shook your head before removing your hand. "Damon if that is what you choose I must go. Why would you want to be like us?"

"So I can live forever. To be with Katrina." Your lips curled into a broken smile before looking into my eyes as your pupils dialated. "I love you too... But..."

"Damon there is no but... You mentioned her first therefore I'm merely a toy to you. If I had known your feelings for her were so strong I would have never given you a thought. From this moment on you will forget I am a vampire. You awake to the sound of screams outside because someone took me away. You will forget everything about me. I was merely katrina's shadow...good bye Damon. I truly hope we never meet again." I watched you dumbfoundedly leave, looking out my window as you walked through the snow, my body and brain only registering to go alert everyone you'd left was once you reached the woods. The compulsion finally triggering the screams I only heard in my head the story you had implanted began to take shape.

" You leaving made it easier I guess. Easier to fall for Katherine. Elena she's....she's different than Katherine. She's got a good heart and I never thought she would give me a chance. Here you are once again. May be you're right...I should be thankful for her... And this time you can't stop me from saying but..." A weak laughed past my lips, my jaw tensing. "I let you go last easily like an ungrateful child. That's why I'm holding on... That's why I'm giving up on Elena. I can't lose you... Not with these memories. I wish you had given them back... Instead of you dying and them coming back." I stood and placed a kiss to Erika's forehead before walking back into the kitchen area only to look at Bonnie deep in her spell books. "Please tell me you have something."

"I do, but we need a very sacred ground...a place where all the witches dead can be called upon. Where the hell is one of those Damon?" She raised her hands into the air for a moment before looking at Davina who shrugged. A smirk crossed my lips before sitting down at the table and taking a swig from my flask.

"I have just the place...."


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