Fun time with Rose

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Rose: Welcome to your dreams children I am your host and we will begin by cutting up your internal organs

Kanaya: Awe hell naw, you ain't gettin' anywhere near meh belly. *Shuffles back a bit, hugging my stomach*

Rose:*Spongebob voice* But it's required to make all the children's dream come true

No. No it's not.

Rose: Well we don't know unless we test it out so who volunteers? Anyone? IN THE NAME OF POOR HONEY'S CURIOUS SOUL HELP US PROVE THIS THEORY


Rose:* All of the exists lock and knifes appear out of nowhere doing the Ezra thingy*

Alright. Uhh... Okay.

Rose: Okay readers I have no idea what I am doing so let us mess with people

Alrighty, sounds good to me.

Rose: First victim up is *List poofs up out of nowhere*


Rose: Who? I am not aware inform please

Lykle. wonk ouY.

Rose: *faceplants* I'm stupid... Okay enough with that let's go on SO! How do we lure her here I'm thinking fandom merch..but she is a smart cookie so we may have to use major sources.

I dunno. Uh... SU crap?

Rose: I can see hate now...Oh well they have to get over it

~ Major freaking out over new feature please hear a word from our sponsor until everyone is calmed down ~

=^ . ^=

So this is the first part, my friend and I are on a break. We had some stuff pop up on the doc we were using and started searching the web for the reason. Everything's chill now. For all of my Homestuck Trash, this is not the Rosemary ship. Her screen name just happens to be Rose, as mine is Kanaya. And technically, she would be Sollux, and we would do a Solkat roleplay. Anyways, adieu mes amours,


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