Chapter 5

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She turned around and saw a huge group of teenagers coming towards her.

"Can I help you?" She asked but the teenagers didn't say anything. They formed a huge circle around her.
"May I know what's going on?"
"ATTACK!" One of the teenagers said and things came flying towards her. There was flour and eggs flying towards her. There were also water balloons going towards her. Because of the attack, she kept going backwards. There was a metal chain that two of the teenagers stretched out and she fell down.
"Where's your shining knights now?! HAHAHAHAHA!" One of the teenagers said and the rest laughed.

Just then, the girls started ruining her outfit and even took out the angel wing necklace that she wore. All of her accessories that weren't even related to SEVENTEEN was taken out. Even the anchor bracelet that her late aunt gave her was taken away from her.

"Wait! Don't burn it! Please!" She shouted when all of her accessories were gathered in one pile and was covered in gasoline. A teenage girl gave a smirk and lit up a match.
"Too late," One of the teenagers said and burned the accessories. The teenagers cheered at the sudden fire.
*My accessories... Aunt Mihee...* She thought. Tears streamed down her face as she saw her accessories burning.

As the accessories were burning, the teenagers came closer to her and started kicking her body.

*Please stop... Please stop... I'm begging you...* She thought to herself. She took the pain and it almost made her pass out.
"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!" A voice shouted. She couldn't see properly who it was because she was at the state of almost fainting. She was shook by someone but all she could see was black hair.
"Ayeon, are you okay? Stay with me!" The voice said. The voice was familiar but she couldn't recall who has a voice like that.
"Who's responsible for this?! Step forward now!" Another voice said. That voice was higher than the voice that was close to her.
"Why did you do it? Why hurt such an innocent person?! Why did she do to make you hurt her like this?!" The higher voice said.
"Because you are special to us! And we don't want a girl like her getting in the way!" Another voice said but this time it was a girl.
"Mingyu, that's enough! We have to go!" The deep voice said and she felt a pair of arms under her and she was off the ground.

After she was lifted from the ground, she fainted.


A few hours later, she woke up with a very painful headache. She opened her eyes and saw the familiar interior.

*Am I in ... SEVENTEEN's dorm?* She thought as she looked around. She saw a few members on the floor, playing with something and a few more were talking.
"Ayeon, you're awake," DK said and smiled. He sat next to the place where she was laid down.
"Am I in your dorm?" She asked and DK nodded.
"What happened? Why does my head hurt?" She asked.
"You fainted when you were being beaten up by those teenagers. Here, chicken soup. Junhui made it," Jeonghan said as he placed a bowl in front of her.
"Thanks, Jeonghan," She said and sat up to take the bowl. DK looked and saw that she has nothing on her hands and fingers. Not even the angel wing necklace.
"Where are all your accessories? Even the angel wing necklace is gone," DK asked.
"They burnt it. All of it," She said as she remembered back the fire that was burning her accessories.
"We're sorry for having fans like that..." Mingyu said as he sat down next to DK.
"It's not your fault. They just wanted to protect you guys from those who are not fans," Ashley said.
"Are you feeling okay?" DK asked and she nodded.
"I still have this headache and I think sleep won't be the solution," Ashley said.
"Here some medicine for your headache," Jun said as he gave her a bottle of pills and a glass of water.
"Thanks, Junhui," She said and took the pill.
"Did they burn your phone?" Jun asked so suddenly.
"Surprisingly, no. Why?"
"Can I have it for a sec?" Jun asked and she took it out from her cardigan.

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