Chapter Two

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Jason's POV

The smell of bacon and pancakes cooking caused me to wake up sooner than I wanted to. I reached around, wanting to pull Justin closer.

I grunted lightly, noticing the bed was empty.

Justin must already be awake. It was 11am, so I'm not surprised. The kid woke up early every day for school, so he was used to early rising.

I got up slowly, rubbing my eyes as I let out a yawn.

I wasn't sure what we could do today to keep us from boredom, but knowing Justin, he'd already have a set of ideas in mind as he always does.
I made it out of the bedroom, and to the kitchen, stretching my limbs out as I spotted Ashton and Justin cooking together.

"Stop eating the batter." Ashton whined as Justin scooped a finger full of pancake mix and licked it.

"But it's yummy!" Justin pouted, before looking over at me, giggling, "Good morning Jason!"

"Morning." I sent him a smile, opening the fridge and pulling out some juice.

"Ashton and I are making pancakes and bacon for everyone!" Justin beamed, bouncing on his heels.

"It smells great." I nodded and drank from the carton, too lazy to grab a glass.

"We should have enough for everyone is Justin stops eating the batter." Ashton snickered as he flipped the pancake.

"My baby likes it though." I argued playfully.

Justin giggled, "Yeah!"

"Oh hush," Ashton snorted, "Go get Nash and Luke, it's almost done."


"My pay cheque comes in Monday." Nash told us as he scooped bacon into his mouth.

"Good, because you're behind in rent $200." Ashton hummed as he ate too.

"I want a job!" Justin announced with a pout.

Luke rose a brow, "You're pretty much a debt collector with that swear jar." He said in amusement.

"He's running a smart business." I grinned, rubbing Justin's back proudly.

Justin giggled, "Yeah!"

"Well anyway, my first cheque is gonna be around $750, because of the training bonus, and extra hours I've been doing..." Nash nodded along with his words, "So I can pay my rent, go food shopping and have a little left over for myself."

"When does your pay come in again?" Ashton furrowed his brows, glancing at me.

"This morning, actually." I shrugged, "I haven't checked it yet."

Ashton was about to speak up again, but there was a knock interrupting from the front door.

"I'll get it." I stood up, walking over and opening it.

"It won't stop crying." Zayn appeared, holding out his 11month old daughter, Mia, as she cried loudly.

"That's what you get for screwing your sisters friend." I laughed, grabbing Mia from him as her crying continued.

I rocked her lightly as I led Zayn inside, and to the kitchen. I grabbed out a random chocolate bar and handed it to her, letting her slobber all over it as her crying died down.

"First of all, my sister hates the bitch just as much as I do," Zayn began, "Secondly, I was drunk."

"Okay, so you hate the girl." I shrugged, "But you still have a daughter and you're just gonna have to put up with it."

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