Chapter Fourteen

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I sighed as I placed Felicity and I's luggage on my old bed, feeling her approach me from behind as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

I looked over my shoulder, sending her a smile.

"Well, that was an eventful thanksgiving." Felicity smiled, raising a brow.

I sighed, nodding slowly. Derek was acting so... annoying. He was glaring at Felicity most of the night, I was almost thinking she was actually going to leave at one point.

But thankfully, Derek apologised and attempted to be nice to her the rest of the evening, which is why she ended up staying.

"I'm sorry about Derek-"

"Spence," Felicity stopped me, shaking her head, "You don't need need to explain him to me, I remember the history you've had with him."

"And yet you're still going to marry me?" I pouted, and she grinned, glancing down at her ring on her finger.

"Of course, you doofus." She sighed softly, looking back up at me through he glasses, "Derek hurt you so much, coming here and seeing him with Hunter couldn't have been easy for you." She frowned.

I swallowed, not wanting to think about that moment on the boat... seeing Derek with Hunter like that. We weren't anything official... but call me crazy for feeling how real it was.

"I've got you here, I'm good." I licked my lips.

If I hadn't met Felicity, I'd probably turn completely cold against love. I'd want to avoid passion and anything affectionate for the rest of my life.

But Felicity came along and she opened my heart up again... she was amazing, and kind, and sweet.

It didn't take long after beginning an internship with her that we became best friends. Felicity was pure, and not like most the people you'd stumble across.

When I told her what happened with Derek, she was very comforting and supportive. She made me realise that Derek was the one missing out.

I was so caught up in feeling like I wasn't of value to him, like I had done something to push him away quickly from me — and Felicity made me realise that he was the one who lost something, not me.

I didn't know or understand the history between Derek and Hunter — other than the fact Derek lied to me saying he was dead. I don't get why.

He was always lying to me, I suppose.

"How about I unpack, and you open up our computers. We still have some data entry to finish up before we get settled for the holiday." Felicity smiled at me as she pulled away.

"Sure." I nodded, getting to work.


"It wasn't like that." I frowned as Hunter glared at me from across the basement, both of us staying down here so we didn't have to sleep in the lounge or share a room with Justin or Spencer.

He refused to come lie beside me on the fold out couch after the way I acted tonight... and I couldn't blame him. I've never acted so... stupid? No... insane? Little close...

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