He Wore His Heart On His Sleeve, Broken And Shattered

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I'm doing this first now i guess
Anyway sOrry for no update i tried to update quick but :///
my family doesn't celebrate thanksgiving so i got the entire week off for no reason lmao
Happy Thanksgiving! Hope u like it and don't hate me pls ily

How well does someone really know
the ones they love? The ones they trust? Because, and he was speaking from experience, it's always them who end up killing you. Killing the person you were, forming the one viewed by everyone else. And it hurt. It really did. The product of corruption, of pain, of fear, was absolutely terrible. If you ask anyone who had met Gerard Way how he was as a person, the responses were definitely not pretty. And Gerard enjoyed hearing those answers. He got off on hearing all the beautifully depressing things they had to say about him. In fact, it motivated him hearing how much they hated him. It made him think he was doing a good job, helping. Ryan Ross, well, he genuinely cared.

Ryan Ross wasn't exactly an angel, not in general terms anyway. However, compared to Gerard Way, Ryan was fucking Jesus Christ himself. When Bert assigned them this particular kid, Gee seemed more than happy to oblige. Ryan put up quite a fight. A fight he was destined to lose, but a fight nonetheless. Gerard seemed quite stunned, as he had never seen the other boy with such rage in his eyes. Even after Ryan had explained, he still didn't understand. "He's just another one. They never really matter, Ry. You know that." It really wasn't until then that Ryan officially gave up. He was now convinced that Gerard Way wasn't only an asshole. He was inhuman.

And, in all honesty, Gerard couldn't help but agree.


Frank wanted to say that this was a good idea gone wrong, except that this was a horrible idea from the start. How the hell did he go from a 14 year old freshman with no friends, to a 17 year old Senior with a suicidal lesbian and a drug addict for company? This is the stereotypical group of friends his mother warned him about in primary school. The ones that would push him into doing drugs, drinking alcohol. How funny, it was actually quite the worng assumption, as it was him who convinced his dear friend Lindsey to start drinking. But it's okay. I mean, at least he wasn't a flaming homosexual, right?

He was subtly, or at least as subtly as he could manage, trying to steer the conversation to what he had originally aimed for. They had been here for almost an hour, and he still didn't have his precious eyeliner in his hands. And honestly, he wanted to get out of there as fast as he could. That was proving quite difficult, apparently.

"No,no, no!! You fucking virgin! This would make it 1 centimetre up your ass before you gave up, you wimp. I bet you I can make it a solid halfway before giving up." He heard Lindsey practically yell at Ryan, and Frank felt a little sorry for him. He knew how it felt to get verbally harassed by Ballato, especially when it was absolutely unnecessary banter that would honestly make a secondary school student burst into fits of laughter or get semi hard. I mean, come on. Who needs to know how far up her ass a metal rod could make it. Absolutely no one, that's who.

Ryan was actually quite enjoying himself, in all honesty. He felt weirdly attracted to this strange female, and wow how cliché of him to find himself liking a lesbian. Was it possible he could swoop any lower? Well, there was that one time he let his friend convince him of getting a tattoo from some crackhead on the street- but that's for another time.

"LINDSEY I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR CROTCHSTAINED BARFPUPPET OF A FRIEND TO DO WHAT HE IS TOLD I WILL LEAVE AND FUCK UP YOUR CAR AS WELL, OKAY?" Frank screamed at her from across the, er, store. A faint smile landed on her face. With a soft sigh, she went up to Ryan. "Pretty sure you heard him, huh? Go get the shit, asshat" she told him. "And bring me some of my stuff too, yeah?" She added softly, placing a wad of bills into his hand. He smirked, nodding and giving her a small kiss on the top of her head. "It's cute how much you love him, y'know? How much you genuinely care about what he thinks of you. You're not bad, Ballato. Not bad at all" he added, his eyes growing softer. Linds allowed herself to giggle, countering his quite random comment with a "you're not so bad yourself, Ross." His smile faltered, quickly being replaced by a much falser grin. He could feel the pounding in his chest, the weight on his shoulders becoming a ton heavier. He turned on his heel, snaking his way through the little shop and making his way to the back. He shook his head slightly and quickly began to search for, what was it again? Eyeliner? Cocaine? Both?

He knelt down beside a rack, the weight on his shoulders becoming to much to bear. He felt it, he knew he wouldn't last long like this. He knew it would break his spine. His heart. His already tattered soul. He had to become stronger, or Bert would give him quite the beating when he came back. But it was becoming too much for poor little Ryan Ross. This girl, he'd never met someone like her before. Everyone they every targeted had something wrong with them. They had committed some sort of crime, killed a person, stuff like that. This girl, this 'Lindsey' persona, wasn't anything like that. And Ryan tried not to feel guilty, he really did.

He let a single tear fall down his face. He decided, a faint smile across his face, that the one tear he had shed would be for everyone that he had destroyed. All of the ones that didn't deserve it. The weight became slightly more bearable. The broken strings inside him began to mend a little better. He took a sharp intake of breath before standing up and continuing his search. It was times like these, when he actually sat down and contemplated the meaning of his life and what he was doing to people and the grand scheme of it all; that's when his act began to wear down. Gee, he knew about the entire thing with Ryan. He knew what Ryan thought about this entire plan and he always planned to leave and give all of this up already. And he would've, if Gerard had agreed. Everytime, every single fucking time Ryan conceived a master plan to ditch, it was Gee who convinced him to stay. Ry knew he wouldn't make it far without him, because as much as Gerard Way was an asshole, Ryan loved him. He loved him quite a lot. Gee, well, he was pretty much incapable of any kind of human affection. But he felt the same way, or close enough at least.

So here he was. Grabbing some stupid fucking eyeliner, that wasn't even good, if he was honest, and something he rather enjoyed, which was very good, if he was honest. The coke was new, absolutely amazing, and he knew that Linds would adore it. He hid that in his coat and walked out. He was handing the makeup to the shorter one, which was another anecdote he placed in his mind. This kid was really fucking short, how could he be twenty one? He didn't see the girl and he was pretty sure it was quite obvious he had something hidden under the layers of the coat, as Frank was eyeing him up, a trace of a question forming behind his hazel eyes. He was about to walk away in search of her black hair when he heard the pterodactyl screech coming from the front.

"You're fucking dead, kid. Listen to me, you fucking idiot weasel. If you ever, ever, touch my baby again, I will cut your dick off and make you drink your own blood, you heard me? N-no! I don't fucking care that you were 'almost mugged'. 'Mugged' my beautiful ass! I am not paying for the damage, you blithering bag of horse shit! I helped you get your first guy, you dick! I hope you get run over by your mother, you son of a bitch!" Lindsey basically screamed the entire thing, so Ryan was there in person to witness the scene. He smirked at her, and she radiated pure anger. Frank was there too, a full blown smile splayed across his face. "Who the hell was that?"

Lindsey turned to face him and Frank had to admit that she looked terrifying. His grin faltered, his face going blank. "Breadbin Urinal, that's who" she answered, her eyes almost falling out of their sockets. Frank smiled again, softer this time at the mention of her roommate. Ryan, however, was lost. "Who?" Lindsey laughed a crazy laugh before answering. "Urie, you know what that little dickwad did? He fucking gave one of my guitars to this supposed 'attacker'. Please. He sold it to buy his monthly fix, I swea-"

Lindsey cut herself off as she noticed Ryan's grave expression. "U-Urie? What's- fuck- what's his first name" Ryan asked, and both teenagers were beginning to worry, as they both heard his voice crack.

"Brendon? Yeah, Brendon Boyd Urie. Why? Is he important or-"

This time, the weight was too much. His knees couldn't take it anymore. And his heart? His heart couldn't either.

It ripped in half.

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