Beautiful Summer Disaster Ch.2

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When we woke up the next morning, Dillon was already gone. “If only we could get him up this early for school,” Mom teased. Dillon is probably still upset about Sophie not being able to come. He just needs to wake up and realize it isn’t our fault and that he doesn’t need to blame us. Meanwhile, Amanda, Kathrin, and I were eating some cereal. You would think we’d get something better than cereal on vacation but we love It and its fine by us to eat it on vacation. It makes the beach house feel like our own homes. Hannah was having pop tarts for some odd reason she doesn’t like cereal. Her loss, more for me. When we were done eating, we went upstairs to get ready for the beach. Hannah was coming with us this time. While they were getting ready, I was going downstairs to get my sunglasses I left down there. I stopped when I heard my parent’s voices through their door. “Something seems wrong with Hannah,” my mom paused “she said she didn’t feel very well the other day.” “Maybe we should take her to the doctor,” my dad replied. “Let’s see how she’s doing tonight after the beach and all,” my mom said. I finally finished going down the steps then I grabbed my sunglasses off the bar and went back up to my room. “You guys ready?” I asked. “We’ve been ready,” Amanda smirked. “Let’s go,” Kathrin added anxiously. We headed to the beach and found Dillon surfing, as if, but not alone. He was surfing with a bunch of guys. Two of which I was familiar with. Turns out those two are Dillon’s friends from back home. I guess they had the same Idea as us or Dillon just forced them to come. I think the second one seems more real.

   “Another long day at the beach.” Kathrin said as me and Amanda agreed. Then I heard a lot of coughing coming from Dillon and Hannah’s room and with what I had heard my parents saying earlier, I wanted to make sure she was alright. I ran into their room and said, “Is everything alright?” “Yeah she’s just coughing nothing wrong with that, everyone coughs.” “Haliee, my stomach hurts!” I ran over to her. “How bad?” “It just kind of hurt but now it really hurts and I can’t stop coughing.” “Why didn’t you tell anyone it hurt before?” “I told Dillon but he didn’t do anything.” “Why didn’t you come to our room?” “It hurts my stomach too much to walk. I tried” “Umm ok can you at least get downstairs to tell Mom and Dad because I don’t think I can carry you down there.” “Maybe,” she replied. “Ok come on,” I said helping her out of bed. I walked her downstairs and I could tell she was in pain the way she gripped my hand. “Mom,” I yelled “Dad!” We walked into their room and they said, “What’s wrong?” in unison. “Hannah says her stomach hurts and she’s been coughing like crazy.” My mom looked at my dad worriedly and then she said, “Go start the car honey me and Hannah will be right there.” “I want to come too Mom,” I announced. Mom said, “No you need to go get some sleep.” “But it’s only 9:00 Mom!” “We don’t know how long this will take just go to your room and don’t worry me and your dad have got this.” I hugged Hannah before I madly walked away. “Is everything alright?” Amanda said “Yeah they are taking her to the ER.” “Oh.” “Today I overheard them talking about Hannah,” I paused and took a deep breath, “They said she has been feeling sick and stuff like that. That’s why I was concerned when she started coughing.” Kathrin and Amanda stared at me and then Kathrin said, “Well why didn’t Dillon do anything?” “Who knows Dillon never does anything.” I responded. I walked into Dillon’s room frustrated. “Why didn’t you help her?” “All she said was her stomach was hurting how was I supposed to help her?” “Well you could’ve brought her to me!” “Sorry. Now can you go, I’m on the phone.” I grabbed the phone and talked to the person on the other line “Hey Sophie, Dillon is gonna have to call you back, Ok?” Dillon looked at me as if I was crazy. I was surprised to hear a guy’s voice in the phone saying, “Whose Sophie? My name is Eric.” I paused then said, “Well then, bye Eric.” Then I hung up. “Hey what did you do that for? I was talking to him!” “You can call him back I have to talk to you right now.” “I don’t have anything to say to you.” “Well I have a few words to say to you. Next time instead of sitting on your lazy butt, get up and help Hannah. I heard Mom and Dad saying—“ Then Dillon rudely interrupted me “She’s been feeling sick I know I heard then say that too.” I looked at him with total disbelief and anger. “Well then why didn’t you help her?” I practically screamed. “I was talking to Eric about something important.” I swear I was about to just slap him. “And your little sister basically chocking and saying her stomach hurts isn’t important?” “Well I—“ Dillon was cut off by the phone ringing. He was probably happy about it too. I answered and Eric’s voice was in the phone while he said “Dude was that your sister? She sounded hot!” “Yeah I am his sister and you’re a creep.” Then I hung up before he had a chance to speak. “So, are you going to start looking out for her?” “Sure. Can I get my phone back?” “Not until you promise to look out for her.” “Ok, Ok.” He said desperately reaching for his phone. “Promise!” I threatened. “I promise! No give me it!” I gave it to him because I could stand him acting like a three year old anymore. He automatically started typing a text. “Jerk.” I said under my breath. Sometimes I swear it’s as if I’m the oldest. I went back to my room and sat down on my bed. I fell asleep for a little while until I heard the front door open and then close. I ran downstairs and asked, “What did they say? Is Hannah ok?” It was about 11:00 now and my mom was probably wondering why I was still awake but she didn’t ask. “Hannah is fine but she has Crohn’s disease.” “Is it curable?” I asked anxiously. “Well no not yet but it can be maintained.” Mom answered very factual. Tears stung my eyes as I hugged Hannah prying for her to be fine. Then somewhere between going back up to my room and waking up the next morning, I fell back asleep.

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