Beautiful Summer Disaster Ch.3

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“He’s lost his mind!” I heard a door slam and Hannah’s voice coming from downstairs as I slowly awakened. I ran downstairs to see how Hannah was doing and I guessed she was fine the way she yelled. I looked at her sitting on the couch looking frustrated. “What’s wrong?” I asked waiting for a reply from anyone who was willing to answer. “Dillon is out there flirting with some girls!” Hannah exclaimed. “I’m sure he wasn’t.” I said. I looked at my mom as if she knew what really happened. “I don’t know?” She said replying to my glare. “How was he flirting with them?” “They were talking to him and he was talking to them then they smiled at him.” “Did you hear what they were saying?” “Well no but—“ She was cut off by Dillon walking in the door. Hannah ran up to him and asked, “Why were you flirting with other girls when you have a girlfriend?” “I wasn’t,” Dillon said innocently. “They asked me about surfing because their boyfriends where wanting lessons and everywhere else it was too expensive.” Wait,” Mom cut in “You’re giving lessons?” “Yeah. Why?” “Are you allowed to do that?” “There are no laws saying I can’t.” “Ok.” “Anyways, Hannah, Sophie is my girlfriend I would never cheat on her or flirt with any other girls you don’t have to worry about that.” “Plus you are only seven so you have no business in what Dillon does or doesn’t do.” Mom confirmed. “Sophie needs to come here already.” Hannah said stubbornly. “It’s only been three days when her parents are ready they will come ok.” Dillon stated. “You have to be patient Hannah.” Mom agreed. When all that was resolved, we all went out for lunch since we don’t have any food other than breakfast food. We went to a little burger joint the opposite way from the pizza place we went to last night so we could see more of the neighborhood. Today we were actually going to do something other than stay at the beach all day. Dillon had been saving up for a new surfboard so he had to stop at the surf shop. Along the way, we dragged Dillon and my dad into our girl shops that had awesome accessories and stuff. Of course, Amanda bought a lot of stuff there. Dillon thought about getting Sophie a necklace for when she comes but he said it could wait. I bought a necklace for me that had a little key on it. It’ll probably be worn wherever I go from now on. When everyone was done looking around we went to mini golf place near the shopping outlet. It was fun and since my dad is the mini golf pro, I only came in second place. When dinnertime came around, we grabbed some fast food and headed home. Amanda, Kathrin, Dillon, and I ate out on the balcony that had a scenic and beautiful view of the beach. It was still light outside and we had to cover our food so sand wouldn’t get in it. The smell of the beach and sound of the waves was perfect. That very moment it felt like I was in heaven. If I ever have to think about my happy place this would defiantly be it. It would probably be Dillon’s too if Sophie was here. I don’t have a boyfriend so I might think of putting a fake on in my happy place when I think of it. It is my own imaginary, but somewhat real, happy place right? I felt like sleeping right on the balcony. I didn’t feel like going back up to my room at all. I wanted to stay right where I was with a big mouth full of french fries and my hair blowing in the wind. Mom came outside to get Hannah for bed, ruining my day dreaming, or just fantasizing, in the process, and told us to come inside. I knew why when the rain started pouring down. Thunder cracked and lighting lit up the house as I we all walk up to our rooms. I lied awake for maybe hours after everyone else went to bed because there was something about that palm tree outside my window I felt a connection to. I don’t know what it is I just do. I plugged my headphones in my ears and finally got some sleep.

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