Chapter 7

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"The first performance has a few extra people coming from around l world and you all saw them earlier please welcome, 'Magix'." Wait I thought.... just then the doors to the Great Hall burst open along with the side doors to the left and right of the Professors table and I imediatly found Vic, Kris, Alex, Nathan, Luke and a number of other familiar faces, but then Vic had to try and show off, he started doing back flips and other stunts with Kris and Nathan breathing fire out of their moths and Alex setting off different props such as fireworks and sparkers (my own invention).
All I could think was 'well this is... weird.'

'And they thought I was a show off.' Okay they are so going to explain what is going on I swear they planned this from the start of the summer to have everyone know what is going on because for Merlin's sake half of them are aurors and a few are still in school. So I started walking towards them they started watching nervously as I was now a few metres in front of them.
"Well, first things first you lot are going to explain how long you have been planning this later and second are we going to be show offs and just do random or have you set something up for an actual show because by the way you lot came in there you must have been going through my prank supplies throughout the summer to have gotten my fireworks and sparkers." I whisper scolded Vic, Kris, Alex and Nathan aswell as Andy and Emily who came towards us as I was walking towards the boys and just as I finished scolding them, Pen and Moose appeared at my side.
"Actually Sister, it was Emily, Andy and Penelope's idea not ours." Kris explained and the other boys point towards the said three older girls who were looking extremely confused and then it clicked to me that he was speaking Bulgarian.
"Well, I know better than anyone that it is fun watching them look confused but answer my question did. You. Set. Up. The. Equipment." I said the last part slowly as if talking to an infant and what did they do? They just bloody smirked at me!! I swear they are more infuriating than my dear, dear cousins the Malfoy's.
"It's all outside, sister." Thank god Alex answered that even though he was giggling, knowing full well how infuriating it is to me when the others just smirk as if that is all the answering I need.
"Thank you for actually answering my question, brother. Now we have set up outside apparently so can we all please move in an orderly fashion to the main grounds, please" I anounced to the hall of students and gestured for the boys to lead the way to where they set it up and I stayed in step with Emily, Andy and Pen.
"You three have some explaining to do later, but, for now what dance is it." I whispered so only they could hear what I was saying. What surprised me next was that they spoke at the exact same time.
"The Matrix finale."
"Does everyone else know what dance it is?" I ask knowing that everyone in the group do different specific parts of the dance and then come together for the end.
"Yep, everyone apart from you knew what was going to happen tonight." Emily said but as soon as the words left her mouth I stopped, no one in the entire crew has ever kept a secret from the others, but I'm guessing that because of all that happened over the summer changed the rules, from never keep secrets, to keep every secret possible away from Annalyse. You see over the summer first off Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban (I call him by his name because I can barely remember him all I can remember is that he had stormy grey eyes and that he left me with Uncle Reme and Tonks while he got himself arrested) and secondly my ex-boyfriend, Mitch, turned out to be a death-eater and was only dating me to try and kill a number of the crew members, so now a number of them are to terrified of something like that happening again so they stay clear of me. I guess that I can't get away from anything to do with family or death-eaters anywhere.
"Oh, well why not tell me seeing as you were the only ones aswell as Moose, Vic, Kris, Alex and Nathan to actually talk to me since, well you know." I told them with tears starting to prick my eyes, I started walking faster ready to get the show over with so I can have some time to myself, you see when something bad happens I try to act as happy as I can but it doesn't always work and when the only people you count as your brothers and sisters keep things from you well I just want to break down crying. It's times like this that I wish I had my actual mother no offence to Tonks but she is always busy with being an auror and Uncle Reme is always tired because of his Lycanthopy (werewolf transformations) aswell as that Andy, Emily and Penelope were always doing something with their families and the boys were in a different country, so I literally had no one over the summer. 'I wish mum didn't leave me and Sirius didn't get thrown into Azkaban.' I thought to myself as I reached where we were going to do the show, 'let's just get this over with.' I thought taking a step onto the stage and getting into position and transfigured everyone's outfits into the costumes. (Link to video:

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