Chapter 10

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"Artemis. As in the goddess of the hunt, chastity, virginity, the moon, and the natural environment and twin sister of Apollo." I told them, at my reply Tonks face-planted herself with her hand and Reme looked as if he was trying to remember something before his eyes widened in realisation and he gained a weary expression. "Why are you doing that, and why did she tell me to do this and also keep calling me 'young one' or 'my child'." I asked getting a worried look as I turned my head between my two adoptive parents.


"Well, Anna, that is going to have to wait until the summer but trust me it will be a lot to take in and also we know Artemis as well as the other gods, we met them when you were born because one of the goddesses is your mother and that's also when they blessed you." Tonks explained to me giving me a small smile, okay now that is a lot to take in.

"Uhhh, okay.... I think?" I say, still shocked at that piece of information. What do you expect, I just found out that my mum is a goddess, well not exactly which one, but still a goddess that is a lot to take in, but thinking of it now, it makes sense seeing as I can read ancient Greek without ever using a translator or dictionary.

"We knew this was going to happen sometime soon, that's why we were worried that you were gone so long after the dance last night and it's also another reason why we don't want you going to Hogsmeade because once you know about being a demi-god, monsters of all types come after you but because Hogwarts has a protective barrier, your safe here, so now this summer we will take you to this address, it is a safe place for people like you." Reme told me, now that shocked me, I didn't even move after hearing the word 'monsters', so those massive dogs that tried attacking me when I was really young were monsters, and the girls that helped me get away they were either people like me or goddesses- as there was only girls, no boys whats so ever.

"So, those creatures from when I was little, they were monsters?" I asked looking at them, to which they nodded their heads. "Then who or what were the girls that saved me?" I continued, asking the question that has been on my mind since I was five- when they saved me.

"They were the hunters of Artemis and Artemis herself." Reme said, okay so I was saved by a goddess and girls who swear to give up companionship with men to serve in the hunt for the rest of their lives. Wow, okay, I don't even know how I'm so okay with this.

"Okay, I think my brain isn't taking this in at the moment, but I have to ask anyway, who's my mother?" I ask, my gaze switching between Reme and Tonks, they both fiddle with their fingers and Tonks' hair turned a mousy-brown, meaning that she is nervous and Reme started tapping on his desk.

"Your m-mother is, w-well.... s-s-she's Hera." Tonks stuttered out. Now my brain is in complete shut down, everything around me seemed like it was spinning and dark spots were creeping into my vision, Reme and Tonks must of seen what was happening because just before I feel out of the seat I was sitting in, they caught me and started running out of the DADA classroom and through a lot of corridors before everything was black.

~Harry's POV (when they wake Anna)~ (Didn't see that coming did ya?)

I was sitting on my bed in my dorm, awake as the others were all asleep, when I heard a girl shouting, something about waking her up at 5:30 in the morning on a Sunday. After hearing the girl shouting, Moose woke up and started to laugh slightly.

"Who was that?" I asked the still slightly laughing Moose, he seemed to calm down enough to answer my question.

"That was Anna, she hates being woken up, especially if it's early on a Sunday morning, I learned the hard way." He grimaced, she must of done something bad, Seamus started waking up, probably hearing the shout from the fellow third year.

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