Chapter 3

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"Can we stop?" I whined, " I am really tired." I made a fake yawn trying to put my plan in motion against the arrogant person in front of me.

"Are you for real?" He made a frustrated sigh," We have just been walking for two hours." He seemed pissed but I stuck my tongue out at him being completely immature, I know.

"I am a girl. I need my beauty sleep." He scoffed at my innocent look that I was putting on. I need my phone!

"I'm busy. I need to keep walking." Now I scoffed at him. He is a complete jerk! I know I have said it a million times but I really, REALLY mean it now.

"Well I cant walk any further." I told him then pushed a branch out of the way. These trees and bushes are really annoying me now.

He chuckled at me and stared at me for a moment making me return the intense look. When he stopped staring at me he looked around at the never ending forest. There was trees upon bushes upon even bigger trees. I zoned out just trying to imagine the sounds of cars in the distance, but there was nothing.

"Come here." His voice was soft and it made me blush so I decided not to look at him as I walked forward slowly. What was with his change of tone?

"W..What?" I stuttered letting go of a breath that I didn't know I was holding. His eyes seemed full with amusement but the way he was acting didn't match it.

Could this be another side to him? Or was he Bipolar? Trust me it can happen at any age like my cousin Amy. She was sixteen when she found out she was Bipolar and once she got out of hospital I stayed with her every night for three months. I had to go to self defence classes because she would lash out in her sleep and stuff but it didn't bother me because she's my cousin. I love her and she's family.

"You know what's nice?" His voice like velvet as he ran his warm rough hand down my cheek. I begged he didn't feel me burning up at the sudden contact.

"Huh?" I didn't know what else to say without giving a stutter. I was completely nervous for some strange reason. I guess my innocence was coming before me.

Before I even got a chance to register he lifted me up and glided me across his shoulders. I let out a gasp and started hitting his back as hard as I could with my fists yelping for him to let me down. That jackass!

"I can still own a woman within seconds by my intense look." He tapped my ass and I became really angry and pushed and shoved even harder than before.

But sadly I was tiring out. How come he didn't feel these punches I was giving him? He must be made out of rock or something.

"You'll get tired." I stated smugly realising he would have to put me down soon. He couldn't carry me forever like this.

"I do this at the battlefield for hours upon hours, Princess." He replied as his body shook beneath me with a hard impact of laughter...that Bastard!

"Where are we even going?" I huffed knowing I had lost the battle. I didn't even have to look to realise that he was smiling his head off at it.

"Stop the questions." He almost snapped. Who rocked his boat all of a sudden? Is he on his period or something because these mood swings are really pissing me off!

"Right." I smirked, "The less you know about me the safer you will be." I heard him groan and it made my smirk grow wider. Two can play those games.

I cleared my mind and realised how comfortable I had became on his shoulder. He was wearing so much padding that it felt so soft and cozy, which kept reminding me of my bed at home. I could no longer cope with crying even though she was my Mum, it made it hard to see her so ill. Burning tears came to my eyes and I shook my head trying to get the thoughts away and luckily it worked.

For being a Marine running about he actually smelt really nice. He didn't smell of sweat or musk, he just smelt of pure freshness. His muscles contracted just beneath me each time he took a step and I smiled wondering if he had a good set of abs. You know a six pack or eight...

Shut up April!

What was I thinking? I am basically drooling over a guy I don't even know! He kidnapped me but he's good looking. I shook my head violently trying to get the pros and cons of him out my head. Change the subject!

"D..Do you um" I sighed, " Think were still being followed?" I asked trying not to stutter. I was surprised that his breathing was still at normal pace with carrying me but like he said he does it n the battlefield.

"I'm not sure. I can't hear anything because the longest you have been quiet for is three minutes." He snapped at me making me frown. I only asked a simple question! I mean, sure he said not to ask any but I have a right to. He doesn't own me.

"You don't have to snap it was only a easy question." I complained as he continued to walk in and out of trees.

"Haven't I said a million times not to ask questions?" He snapped again making my blood boil. He really is a pain in my ass.

I decided not to answer him tired of wasting my time arguing. Instead I rested my hands on his shoulder and leaned my head on them getting comfortable. I was just about to close my eyes when I saw a red flash come from his top lefthand pocket on his thin black jacket that he was wearing.

Curious I shifted a little trying not to seem suspicious. I need to play this cool considering the pocket has a zip closing it up. I thought for a second and pretended to sneeze but I made it really loud and pulled the zip open in the process. I froze hoping he didn't catch me red handed but luckily he didn't.

"Are you for real? Keep your germs to yourself." He snapped making me wonder why for about the last 15 minutes he's acted like that. When nothing pops to mind I play along.

"Sorry." I replied not sure what to say but I made a yawn making it sound like I was tired but clearly I wasn't one little bit.

I slowly reached in his pocket and it felt like I was holding a long breath as I did. I rummaged slowly and felt what I was looking for but before I could grab it he grabbed my hand out of his pocket and closed his zip.

"Your sneaky I will give you that but that sneeze was completely fake." I really wanted to slap him so hard across the face but I decided not to when I realised he was still holding my hand in his.

His hands were warm and rough and I could almost feel small butterflies in the pit of my stomach. Did he plan on letting it go anytime soon? I hope he didn't because right now I was loving the feeling. I guess he felt the same way because he began to rub circles softly in my palm....until he stopped and pulled away like he had been burned.

"Um..sorry." He huskily said as I watched his cheeks take a different colour from before. He was blushing!

I smiled out of nervousness and continued to look at his cheeks until they went back to their normal colour. He looked cute but he was still blushing because of me and that made me chuckle.

"What?" He asked demandingly making me chuckle even more.

"You were totally blushing!" I giggled out making him shift beneath me. I assume I just made him blush again but I still couldn't stop laughing...maybe I was nervous?

"Shut up, Princess." He snapped going back to his crappy mood.

"No." I snapped back shifting slightly on his shoulders.

"You comfortable up there?" He asked me as he began to walk at a slightly faster pace than before.

"Quite possibly, why?" I asked not giving him anything to act smug about because he was already filled with smugness.

"Your a heavy lump!" He whined making me laugh again.

"I thought only women whine?" Huh, caught out again!


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