C h a p t e r 2 ☽

20 1 0

Michael's POV

Monday's .

Every kids living nightmare. Mostly mine. I'm similar to an angry beast in the mornings and after having the luxury of sleeping in for the past two days, I wasn't to willing to wake up at 6am and prepare for a whole new week.

I knew my mom was asleep so I stumbled down the hallway like a drunk man as quietly as I could into the bathroom so I could do some much needed business.

After I was done and had washed my hands, I quickly threw on skinny jeans and a band shirt. I quickly used my hands to put a few stray pieces of hair on my head in place even though I really didn't care how bad or good I looked. It was just school.

I debated on going back to sleep for 10 minutes but then that would leave me a few minutes to actually get to school and I was a really slow and lazy walker. Mostly because I didn't care whether I was late or not.

After eating a small breakfast and throwing on my old converse, my tired self was pretty much ready to go.

I flung open the front door and slowly took a step outside, inhaling a large breath of the cool autumn air. The cold, crisp air filled my lungs instantly making my morning a little brighter.

Fall was usually the only time of the year I was ok with walking to school. It wasn't hot or unbearably cold. I enjoyed the cool air and the beautiful leaves.

I had only made it a few blocks down from my house and was now in front of Calum's who was leaving his house the same time I was walking past.

"Hey buddy!" Calum called out in a deeper tone than his normal voice. His converse slapped against the front steps as he approached me.

"Hey pal," I jokingly said as we walked beside each other towards the school which was becoming visible.

"Are you gonna try out for soccer with me this year?" He asked.

I scoffed.

"You know I hate sports or any form of exercise in general." I rolled my eyes at him. He asked me this every year and every time it was still the same answer.

"Michaelll," he whined. "It'll be fun I swear."

"In what way is running  fun?"

"you're such a killjoy you know that?"

"Of course I do!" I smiled sarcastically.

Calum rolled his eyes and lightly punched me in the shoulder.

"You should still try out for a sport or something. It would be good for you to get out and do stuff."

"I get out..." I trailed off, not knowing what else to say.

"When? To the grocery store with your mom? Wow I can't believe you would do something so outrageously fun."

Ok maybe I didn't actually go out and do stuff. Mostly because Calum was my only friend and since he became popular, he was out partying or going to sports events with his popular friends. I wasn't one of them and I didn't have a desire to be one.
By now we were walking into the school yard and his new friends were already walking towards us, chattering away like a bunch of idiots. I hated all of them.

"Hey, I'll see ya around ok?" He glanced over at me.

"I couldn't get away from you if I wanted to." I replied rolling my eyes once more.

He smiled widely before throwing his fist out for me to bump. We used to do it a lot when we were younger, way back when everything wasn't so damn stressful.

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