Ch 11

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Hana POV

I woke up. I rubbed my eyes. Is it already morning? I yawned. I was looking around. Then my eyes felt on...





He slept peacefully. His face looked so nice. So it's true, A vampire never gets old. I sighed. I looked at myself. I widened my eyes. I was totally naked.

I covered myself with a towel. 'Sehun what are you doing there?!' I screamd. When he rubbed his eyes, I could see it. He was also totally naked but he did wear his boxers.

'Yaaaah Sehun what are you doing on my bed?!', is shouted as hard as I could. 'I don't know Hana but ...' He looked at me from my top to my toe.

I tried to hide my body a bit. 'I have to say; you have a nice body.' He bited his underlip what made him sexy. I just really wanted to Kiss him.

'Sehun go out!!! Byuntaeeee!!', I pulled him out of my room. 'I am going, I am going.' He was out. I sighed in relief. It was emberassing. How he looked at me. I amen't food or anything you can eat!!

I changed my clothes. There were that much bites of him. I touched it. The 2 holes were a bit deep. I must lost that much blood? My face was a bit pale.

What did happen last night? I had a great headache. My life is getting beter and beter. When is M.Kim coming? I went downstairs. Everyone stared at me.

'Did you sleep well last night?' Luhan oppa asked. I nodded slowly. 'Did you have fun with Sehun?', I saw Baekhyun chuckle. 'This isn't the right time to Joke.' The deep voice of Kris oppa reached us.

'He is right.' Also Xiumin oppa joined. 'There are to much things happening here. Especially after Hana is living with us.' Suho oppa became serious. I looked down. Is it my fault??

'Hana it's not you're fault. Sehun was already possesed. We just didn't knew that this would happen.' the soft voice of Luhan oppa made me happy. 'But do you know that man?' Chen oppa asked me curious.

'I never saw him. I don't even know him.', they looked serious. I saw Suho oppa rubbing his chin. 'I am getting curious.', Lay looked up. I heard footsteps behind me. When I turned, it was ... Sehun. 'Hey everyone. Did you all sleep good?',he didn't remember anyhting. I just have to be quit.

'Yes but I think you had the best sleep ever.', the voice of Chanyeol reached Sehun. I turned so they could,'t see my blushing face. ' Yaah Chanyeol hyung. By the way, why did I sleep in the bed of Hana?', there was a silent.

'It could be that you were sleep walking like a zombie.', Baekhyun oppa's voice echoed. I saw Kai looking away. Is there something with him? I looked around. Suddenly my phone rang. Everyone looked at me.

'Yeoboseyo.', I waited a bit. 'Minhyuk? How are you doing?', it was my childhood friend, Minhyuk. We are like brother and sister. 'I am good. Are you still in Japan?', my voice seemed happy. Everyone looked confused at me. Some of them looked even shocked.

'Oh you are in Seoul? Jinjja? Why didn't you tell me earlier? Paboo!!' everyone still looked at me the same way. 'Wait what do you mean you want to visit me?', I saw Suho oppa shaking his head.

'Mianhae but I can't see you in my house. I am moved.', I waited for his answer. 'I'l meet you in Seoul Central Shoppingcenter. What do you think?' I looked down. 'Okay I'l see you then, bye.', I hung up.

Sighed deep. Breath in and out. 'Who was that?', Kyungsoo oppa asked me. 'A childhoodfriend of me. His name is Young Minhyuk.', everyone looked shocked. 'He is from the Young departement?', I saw Lay looking amazing. 'Yeah his father owns a big company. It's a car company, Nissan. Minhyuk went to study in Japan. He wanted to be an car ingenieur.' everyone looked amazed.

'But I have to meet him at 12 AM. I have 2 hours to get ready.' everyone looked down. 'But someone has to go with you for you're safety.', Xiumin oppa said with his serious look.

'Why don't we give Sehun. He will enjoy it?', I saw Chanyeol and Baekhyun chuckling. Those brats!! 'Maybe but if he transforms what is going to happen then?', Suho oppa asked to everyone.

'But I still want to go.', I have to say I only trust Sehun, Kai, Luhan oppa and Kyungsoo oppa. They are my favorites. 'But if something happens I can call you.', I said looked straight at them. 'Yes that could be an option.' everyone nodded.

'Then it's decided Sehun you'il go. You have to change clothes. It will take an half hour from here to Seoul Central Shoppingcenter.' Me and Sehun both nodded. I went to my room. I am going to wear a pant and a t- shirt. A small bag. After a half hour I was ready.

I went out my room. Suddenly I saw Sehun in front of my door. He wore a black pant and a black, grey pull. He wore some sunglasses and a heat. He looked nice and handsome enough to make all the girls flutter.

'You look cute.', that's what he said when he saw me. 'Ah....gomawo you to.', I tried to hide my blushes. We went both down. We will eat something and then we will leave. We ate our breakfast. Toast with cheese. We were ready to go out. 'We will be heading out. By bye.', I said before going out....

Hey everyone srryyy for late update!! But My exams are starting so I don't have that much time to write!!! Thank u for many comments and votes xxxx.

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