Ch 27

280 11 3

Hana POV

I looked through the window. The sky was clear today. I heard a small knock on the door. I looked at the direction were Sehun was coming. He gave me a small smile. He sat next to my bed.

'How are you doing?' He asked me. 'A bit better than yesterday.' I said with a sad smile. 'Don't look that sad. We really have to thank you by the way. Without you we would have been killed.' I looked down.

'Then I would be the reason.' Sehun let out a big sigh. 'Why are you blaming yourself for everyhting?' I looked up to him. 'But I am only saying the truth.' You could see the sad expression of my face.

He hugged my softly. 'Please if you have pain, don't bare it alone. Let me also bare it with you.' I could feel his nice voice whispering into my ears. 'I don't want to suffer anymore.' I hugged him more tightly.

He stopped the hug. We looked at each other deep into each eyes. Pulling our faces closer. I did know what he wanted and he did what I wanted. Suddenly the door slammed open. There you could see the other 11 brothers.

'What are you all doing here?' Sehun looked a but furious while i started to chuckle. 'Ah sorry we also wanted to meet her. ' i saw Baekhyun pouting while the others  looked at each other.

'Can't you all stand up. It feels like some elephants are killing me.' Chanyeol oppa's voice was a bit to loud but everyone stood as fast as they could up. Kris oppa gave him a small punch. 'That's for calling us elephants.' Chanyeol looked a bit hurt and he went closer to me.

They all looked at me. 'How are you doing Hana?' Kyungsoo oppa asked. 'Better. And you all?' I asked them with a smile. 'Like always fit and hyperactive.' Chen oppa said. I gave them a brightest smile.

'But Hana who was that other beauty you? Do you think I could ask her for her number?' Chanyeol oppa asked. Kai gave him dead glares. 'Ah sorry. She is my other self. It looks like I am a half vampire.' They all looked shocked.

Except Suho oppa who looked like he was writing information about me. Stalker!! 'Suho please stop writing about her like she is an artwork.' I could hear the voice of Xiumin oppa while he glares at Suho oppa.

'I need data.' Then he started to write more. 'But did you knew that there were some pages of Aphrodite's story missing?' We all looked curious at Suho oppa. 'This is were everyone knows the power of data information.' He looked proud at himself.

'It looks like there is more then only the legend about her. We need to know more.' He looked at me. 'Okay that's enough for today. Let her get rest. She is already tired.' Luhan oppa who gave me small smile and then showed everyone the exit.

Only Sehun stood a bit still. 'Get some rest.' After saying that he gave me a small kiss on the forehead and went away. I who still was a bit dizzy went to sleep again.

It looks like I woke up. But where am I? There are here so many clouds. I saw a small fountain. I looked at myself. Huh? That's not me! I am in the past memory of Aphrodite. I looked at my body. I look so mature and more a women.

Suddenly a small bird fell from the sky. 'It looks hurted.' I mummbled to myself. I picked if up and went to the nearest temple. I bandaged the small black bird. He looks better now. 'I'l give you the name Yehuda.' I said.  I thought. The bird stood up and flew away. I waved him away.

After a while there was a big thing falling from the sky. I was to curious so I went down to the humanworld. When I arrived there a big hole was seen. Black wings were falling.

I went down to the hole and saw a black winged guy laying down there. I tried to cure him. I used some bandages and  some fresh water. His eyes opened. A small smile was formed on his lips.

'You are helping me just like the other time.' I didn't get what he said. 'Just stay still you are still deep wounded.' I said with a calm voice. He stood straight. He putted his hand on my cheek.

I felt like I already met him. 'What is you're name?' I asked him. 'Yehuda.' His deep voice who already reached my ear was really sexy. 'You are that bird. But how?' Before I could even get an answer a kiss was pushed on my lips.

I didn't hesitate. 'You are the only one I will ever love.' His dark eyes who were sparkling red made me feel curious about his origin. 'From where are you?' I asked him. We sat both next to each other.

'I am from the underworld. I am an escaped creature.' His teeth were a bit Sharp but I didn't care actually. I only love him and that is what I knew. 'You don't look like a creature for me.' I smiled at him what made him to give me a small smile.

'We found him! Get him!' A phew loud voice could heard. What is happening? I thought. I saw Yehuda gritting his teeth. A phew demonic guys came. They pulled me away. The only thing I saw was the two wings who has been pulled out of Yehuda.

A tear fell from my eye. His beautiful black wings. 'You screwed vampire!' I covered my face with my hands. Please let me get away from this nightmare. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. Please, please, please!!!!

End of the dream

Hey everyone! How do you all do? What do you think about this ch? So know you did found out the past of Aphrodite. Doesn't someone remember the name of Yehuda? Thinking thinking... Yes he is that baron. But don't worry he still doesn't know about the existence. It's getting interesting now! Love u all and keep reading!!

Kawaii desū Xxx

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