Prologue - Jillian

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Greta's POV: Seventeen years ago

I hug my husband to my chest, along with my little bundle of joy, Marie. I didn't get why we could only meet up once a month. It wasn't fair! The Puria Council should let us see our loved ones more than once a year!

An alarm rings from the cell phone in his pocket and I lets go. I suddenly have a dreadful feeling.

"I must go Greta; I've got to visit my family."

I take a deep breath, thinking. It's only been ten minutes, so why the rush? The pit in my heart grew. Something wasn't right.

"What's going on?" I ask.

He shakes his head and leaves. I stare at the door as he does. A little slip of paper catches my attention. I walk to it and pick it up.

Anger clenches my heart as I read the note meant for someone else.

I love you Jillian.

My name is not Jillian.

One year later:

"Greta!" The door slams open. I still haven't told him about the note. When I glance up, my heart runs cold when I see a baby in his arms. Is it his?

"This is my cousin Jillian's baby. She couldn't take care of her." I study the baby's features. Blonde hair and green eyes. I study my husband's features. Brown hair and brown eyes.

There weren't any similarities but the glint in my husband's eyes told me everything. My resolve hardens when I think of a solution to this problem.

I will hate this baby until she dies.

I updated! Thank you for all your support! I really appreciate it and it makes me really happy and brings a huge and goofy grin on my face. And yes, this is Sang's step mother's POV.

The Nineteenth Girl - Book 1 Of The Oddity TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now