Chapter Four - Gabriel

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I turn, meeting a pair of eccentric crystal blue eyes filled with amusement. They widened in shock when our gazes clashed. I heard a throat being cleared and Kota's voice filling my ears, effectively breaking my trance with the blue-eyed stranger.

"Yes Gabriel. I - an unfortunate accident - spilled some -"

"A lot." Victor cut in. Kota blushed but continued.

"- punch on her and need your -"

"Wonderful and magnificent." This time, the blue-eyed stranger, or Gabriel, cut in instead of Victor.

"- help." Kota finally finished. I giggled at their shenanigans. They seemed like such close friends!

"So what you're saying is that you need my oh so wonderful and magnificent help?" Gabriel asks, grinning in amusement.

Kota sighed. "Yes Gabriel, I need you oh so wonderful and magnificent help." Victor sniggered and Gabriel grinned. I giggled some more. They were so funny!

"Hell yeah!" Gabriel tugs my arm into the bathroom. I blinked a few times for it was very bright. A huge mirror reflected Gabriel and I, standing on top of a double sink. The bathroom was so luxurious that I even felt under dressed. Gabriel was digging around under the sinks, making uncomfortable noises.

"Gabriel? Are you okay?" I ask, concerned for him. What if he was stuck? When I didn't hear an answer, I tapped his shoulder. "Gabriel.......Gabriel?"

"You're trouble, did you know that Sang?" Gabriel's voice told me. My throat tightened and tears stung my eyes.

"Should I leave? If I'm too much trouble, maybe I should go. But before I do, I want to make sure you're okay. Are you? Do you need help? It's the least I can do." I don't think I hid my tears out of my voice very well. Even I could hear that I was about to cry. If I could hear it, Gabriel sure could.

"No! Don't go! I like trouble. Trouble means a little spice in my life. Makes my day more interesting. Makes my life more interesting." Gabriel says, his voice muffled. "Please don't leave. And yes," He sighs. "I do need help. This is why I called you trouble. I'm stuck."

I smiled. How sweet was that! Now I felt like crying for a whole different reason. "Thank you."

"No problem, but can you get Kota? Or Victor? Or somebody?" I grinned and left the bathroom. After wandering around the big and royal room searching for Kota or Victor or "somebody" I came back to the bathroom feeling ashamed.

"I'm so sorry Gabriel! I couldn't find them." I hung my head and stared at my toes in shame.

"Oy, its fine Sang. They probably left to somewhere important....or something." Gabriel's voice held no anger or disappointed and for that I was shocked. "I'll just sit my ass down and wait for them." I felt bad for it was my fault he was stuck. The guilt weighed my down like a weight. An idea struck to mind and I was a Gabriel's back with my hands on his hips, pulling with all my might. Which wasn't much let me tell you.

I heaved and he pushed until pop! He pops out from under the sink and bumps into me, causing us to stumble backward. We landed on the floor and started rolling because the bathroom was so large and no wall stopped us. We ended up rolling until we gradually stopped after a few seconds with Gabriel on top of me.

I was staring into bright crystal blue eyes. We were both panting and I had just realized how close we actually were. Our breaths were mixed together. I took this time to study him. Two blonde locks framed his face, contrasting with his original rich brown hair. His crystal blue eyes were alight with happiness. I blushed crimson when I realized we were staring at each other.

"I'm calling you trouble from now on." He murmured. He didn't seem to be unhappy near me so I concluded that I wasn't actually trouble but that it was actually just a nickname. I played along.

"Well than I'll call you Meanie from now on also." Gabriel pouted and I copied his actions.

"Ah ah ah! No pouting for you Trouble! Suck that lip right back in!" I giggled and stuck out my bottom lip even more. Gabriel groaned. "Trouble!" He stuck out his lip.

"Meanie!" I stuck mine out more.




"Okay stop! Gabe what is going on here?" Kota's voice stopped our little game. Gabriel and I glanced at each other before I answered Kota's question that was originally directed at Gabriel.

"Meanie and I had an argument." I shot Gabriel a pointed glare as I said this. I was going to keep my word of calling him Meanie. He playfully glared back.

"No no, you see Kota, Trouble has it all wrong. She's the one who started this whole thing so it's all her fault." Gabriel whines to Kota. I caught an amused glint on Kota's eyes that told me he was up to something.

"What inappropriate language to use against your team leader." Kota shakes his head clucking his tongue.

'You've got hours in the morning." Hours? Team leader? I was befuddled but my confusion was worth it to see the expression on Gabriel's face. He was shocked. That much was obvious. His mouth was an o and he seemed a bit enraged. A twinge of guilt settled in my stomach when giggles bubbled up. I couldn't help it! The expression looked so weird on his usually jolly and cheerful face. It left me in around of giggles.

"It's not funny at all Trouble!" Apparently Gabriel didn't appreciate my giggles. Ah well, it was funny! "And you Kota! Please tell me you were kidding!" I catch Kota's eye and give him a slight nod. That was enough. The guilt had become bricks weighing in my stomach now.

Kota sighed but then chuckled. "I was just joking Gabe. I wouldn't do that to you."

I cut in. "What is 'hours' anyway?"

I updated! Who is proud of me? Oh! Alert! Someone put up a wanted sign! Apparently someone stole the creative thinking part of my brain. People who read Sang On Her Own, I'm so sorry! mccapsk, I'm so sorry! It's not writers boredom or writers block. I have tons of ideas I just can't connect them together! I just read over my books and realized how bad a writer I actually am. I cringed while I reread Sang and the Sorensons. Ugh. Anyway, would someone help me find that creative thinking part of my brain? I'll bribe you if you won't do it voluntarily....hmm, what to bribe you with? Oh I know! I'll updated more! Yes! If someone can find it, I will update more (or try to and fail miserably and then probably have a ton of angry readers out for my blood). Vote! Comment! Follow! :D

P.S. I'll go report the item...or thing to the police. I'm not sure they'll be happy trying to find something that wasn't originally there ;)

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