Hillview School Of High Fees

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Mackenzie's POV
"Um , Mack would you mind um waking up ", My twin Madelyn said gently.
" Ew , whatever , but don't wake me up again . ", I screeched.

Okay wait just pause for a second .
Now where was I , oh yeah now I remember I am going to give you an introduction about myself and yeah and if you ask too many questions I'm going to rip your eyeballs out and play marbles with them .

Right ..... Back to the topic.
Hi I'm Mackenzie . Mackenzie Tomlinson and if you start saying, omg are you related to Louis Tomlinson . OMG are you married to him . Can I meet him?
Then I will consider that as an invitation to personally chop of your head.
Louis Tomlinson is not related to me.

I absolutely hate his guts. But my sister she absolutely adores him I mean he doesn't even know how to sing .
Anyways as I was saying I'm sixteen and I was born on the 20th of August and so was my twin Madelyn obviously but still..............

We are identical I guess.
We both have blue eyes , red lips , rosy cheeks , blonde hair , sharp facial features , Madelyn is like one inch taller than me. We're both really pretty but Madelyn is way to modest to admit that .
We both go to Hillview School Of Fine Arts .
It's a school where all the "talented"students go . But to be honest with you its a school for rich kids .
The school has nothing to do with talent , all you have to do , to get in the school is pay $100,000 a year and your in .
I know how shallow.
I mean the school should be called Hillview School Of High Fees definitely not Hillview School Of Fine Arts .
I asked mum and dad to enroll us in another school . I personally hate our school .
We have to wear a uniform . I mean how stupid is that ?
All the schools around America are allowed to wear anything they want but we have to wear a shit uniform . Also all the teachers at Hillview are snobs , because of them I have for suspended 27 times and also I've had warnings of being expelled like um every flipping day .
I mean do you honestly think that beating up a teacher with a brick is worth a suspension.
I think not.
That teacher totally deserved it , I didn't do my homework and so she gave me detention for the rest of my school life.
Anyways I beat up a teacher like almost everyday and mum and dad beg the stupid principal not to expel me . They don't want me to go to another school because apparently Hillview is the only school that will give me a good job in my future life.
My foot.
I think Hillview is the worst school ever but Madelyn thinks its the best , she loves how there's a uniform , the rules , the regulations.
Madelyn is definitely not a nerd though she's like a prep , she's really popular and so am I . We are like one of the most popular girls.
I always ask Madelyn if we can swap identities just like those identical twins do in the books I read but my sister always refuses and says that's immature , I mean how annoying .
Now in case you haven't figured my sister is like the gentle breeze , she is really responsible , nice , caring , hates fights , angel and that sort of thing but I am like the total opposite , I always get into fights , I'm really bad , I'm like a hurricane , i m violent , rule breaker , immature and you get the jist .
Mum and dad wish I was more like Madelyn and deep down I wish that too but I know that will never happen because that is like impossible .
We live in a 3 storey house , I think that's part of the reason Madelyn and I are popular .
My best friend is Madelyn . I practically share all my deepest darkest with her but Madelyn is insecure she shares secrets but not all of them.
Anyways now I need to know why Madelyn woke me up at 5AM in the morning .

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