Chapter 5; college

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School was now over for Camm, which meant after summer, she'd be returning back to elementary as a fifth grader.

But this was also the summer her sister was now moving off to college.

Camm sat in the back seat of the car, while her mum was driving, and her sister in the passenger seat, with her eyes locked on a new book. Once in a while Camm would look up and listen to the conversation the two older girls were conversing, but most of the time it was either about old memories, or telling Nelly how to live on her own. Mum and Nelly cried the whole six hour drive to her new college.

Nelly had always been a shy girl, always keeping to herself, attending to a private school her whole life, with her four best friends. Nelly had long, brown hair, and she either always left it town or had it up in a messy bun. Camm loved to play around with her hair, as she just learned how to braid. Nelly had bright blue eyes, just like mum. As Camm had chocolate brown eyes like her dad, and sometimes they'd turn hazel-green. Nelly barley wore make up, unless she was going out somewhere, such as dinner with her dad. At school, Nelly had straight A's most of the time, graduating high school with a 3.9 GPA. Camm was always jealous of how smart her sister was.

Camm stared out the car window as the car sped along the high way. She thought about the past year that has gone by before she left school for the summer. She started making some new friends, but she still felt alone. Almost all of her new friends had a bad influence, and she promised herself she would not be like them. Camm felt like those were the only people that would ever let Camm in, because everyone else had seen only her teeth, and not her personality. These people were really the only ones who saw her for who she is, because they know how it's like to be her. She felt comfortable. But still, her only true friends whom she always seeks out for anything were Ray and Tanashia. They were both considered family to Camm.


"That's the last of 'em," Mum said with tears in her eyes as she laid down the last of the moving boxes in Nelly's new dorm room.

Mum and Camm started to help Nelly set up her dorm room. Mum insisted, though we were still staying in town for a couple more days. Camm guessed mum didn't want to see her little girl growing up yet.

"Thanks, mum," Nelly replied giving her a tight hug.

"So what are we going to do now?" Camm asked.

"We are going out for dinner, just the three of us. Since dad is still back in Birmingham," Mum replied.

Nelly perked up with excitement, "Oh and I found the perfect place to eat while we were driving into town!"

"Great, so we don't have to stand around here looking like idiots. Come on, let's go! I'm starving!" Camm exclaimed.

Mum agreed, and led the way to the car. They all piled in and Nelly led navigated mum to where she saw the fabulous restaurant. As they all clambered out of the car, Camm thought of how the animals were doing back home. No jaw fights broke out hopefully?

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