Chapter 6; devistation

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After dinner, Mum, Nelly and Camm went back to a hotel room. Mum pulled out her cell from her purse before throwing the bag into her room and relaxing on the couch. She opened up a new text from dad.

"Hun, when you come back home, bring Nelly with you for a last time. We'll fly her back up. We need to discuss arrangements with the dogs. There have been three more of their little fights since you've left. -JimmXx"

Mom looked up from the text she had just received, and gave a questioning look to her two daughters, not paying attention. They were talking, and giggling to themselves. Just like old times. She decided she wouldn't spoil the mood, and discuss this issue with them the next day.

Camm and Nelly were sitting on the island in the kitchen area. Nelly had met a very slender African man, while mum explored the campus with Nelly, and Camm stayed back to read her book.

**Flashback to earlier**

As mum and Nelly walked into the laundry room, conversing about the different kind of flowers they loved to plant, a tall, colored man stood at the washer machine, trying to jam the coins in the slot to make it spin. He look frustrated. Nelly walked over to see if he needed any help, as she knew these sort of washer machines well.

"Yes, I believe it's jammed, or something. The damn thing won't work," the man said in an African accent.

"Here, let me help," Nelly replied, prying the coin slot open. "There. It seems they're so over used, it's rusty in there. The school better get that replaced."

"Yeah I guess so. I've been here for two years, and never had this problem. How'd you know?" the slender man replied, facing Nelly.

"Oh, just experience." Nelly said with a grin.

The two stood there for a moment awkwardly, before mum broke the silence.

"Well my daughter here is new to the camp this year, maybe you could show her around a bit after we are done exploring!"

"Oh yeah, totally. My name is Albert, if you were wondering," he said looking towards Nelly.

"Okay that's good to know," Nelly said with a smile. "My mum and I better get going then, my little sister is waiting for us in our hotel room."

"Alright. I'll see you around?" Albert said as they started to walk out the room.

"See you around," Nelly said turning towards the door.

"Oh hey, do you have a name by chance?" Albert called to them still by the washer machine.

"Noelle," Nelly called from behind her as mum drug her out of the room.

**Flashback over**

"So how about a movie?" Camm suggested to Nelly when she finished her story about the tall colored man.

Nelly smiled at the though of old times baby sitting her little sister, watching old movies with her when mum and dad were out at work.

"Sure, why not," she replied.

Camm, Nelly and mum all snuggled together on the tiny hotel room couch, Camm in the middle.

"Oh how about this one?!" mum called out excited when she saw her favorite movie light the telly screen.

"Awh, we always watch this," the two sisters exclaimed.

Mum frowned. "So? It's still a good movie."

Camm scanned the channels going by as mum switched through them.

"Oh I see one! Go back! Look, "Back to the Future is on! Can we watch it?" Camm blurted out, Nelly nodding her head in agreement.

"Oh, fine," mum said hesitantly. Nelly and Camm always got their way when they worked as a team.


The movie came to an end, and Camm was about to pass out on Nelly's lap, while she was fast asleep on her shoulder, mum over and the other end of the couch reading her book. She looked over at her daughters, leaving them be for the night. Mum walked out of the room into the bedroom. She laid on the bed, about to reply to dads text.

"Sorry, watching a movie with the girls. They are asleep. So what happened with the dogs? -RaeXx" her text read.

"They've both become anxious that the girls aren't here, and I don't think this will work for Coco since she's Nelly's dog, which might cause even more fights to come. -JimmXx" dad replied. A look of worry spread through mum's face.

"So are you saying we might have to take Coco back? -RaeXx."

"If Nelly can't take her to somewhere around her new college, so she could see her often, then it wouldn't be a problem. But she probably doesn't, so we might have to. -JimmXx."

Mum sat in silence. Nelly would be devistated, after she just lost a special dog to her a couple months ago. She'd probably hate her mum again, thinking it was her fault.

"Okay, thanks for letting me know. -RaeXx."

Mum rest her head on the pillow she had brought from home, and thought about this situation.

This was going to be complicated.

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