Part 1

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I'm finally deciding to begin writing on WP and not Instagram. If there are any problems please comment and I hope you all enjoy!~

"ONWARDS!" Garen yelled at his men as they pounded towards Noxian troops. Sweat dribbled down his forehead as he tried to move around them and get a better picture at the scene in front of him. However, no luck proceeded to follow as he scrambled through bodies, both standing and lying on the ground. Sweat drilled down his forehead and into his eyes as he breathed heavily, his lungs weakened from yelling.

He cut down a few enemies with the stroke of his sword in an attempt to aide his comrades. But through all the cries of pain, blood stains, and countless deaths, he couldn't help but feel that it was just petty fighting.

Why are we even doing this? He wondered. Demacia had always been known for its prideful honor: The Royal Vanguard has proven that on countless occasions. But with so many battles taking place, Garen didn't know what to think of the city-state's decisions. He saw many fallen men at his feet and his heart ached.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid," he muttered as he pushed his way to the front lines of battle. He looked at a Demacian soldier who lie on the ground, his lips red and eyes bulging with fear. The sounds of words and blood gurgled in his throat as he tried to have his own last breath. He began sputtering blood, his fingers gripping at the small patches of grass beneath him.

Garen heard a cry for help and looked up from his comrade. He glanced downward and saw that the man was now still and his eyes glazed over. Staring at his forgotten body a bit longer, Garen then leaned leaned forward and closed his eyes. "You were noble in battle, my friend."

It took everything in himself not to call a retreat because of how many of his men had been slain. With his heart full of sadness and anger, he swung his sword at the first Noxian he saw, yelling, "DEMACIA!" at the top of his lungs. They burned shortly after through his prideful yelling and dancing with the enemy. As usual, within forty minutes of him being on the battlefield, the Noxians were calling a retreat. Breathing out a sigh of pained relief, Garen turned his back on the enemy who were still in the midst of fighting.

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