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(Authors Note: Please stop reading this book if certain sybjects such as self harm, drug abuse, and gore really bother you. This is a Mature rated book. You have been warned. Also this is the longest chapter thus far.)

He pulled the door open. His mom and sister were watching tv. He ignored his moms attempt at a conversation. Reach walked uo the stairs to his room. He unlocked the door and walked in.

He reached under the bed and pulled out the black box. He pulled out one of the 100 un-wrapped razors. He walked to his bathroom. He looked in the mirror, at his blue eyes, black and blue hair, pale skin.

Relase your pain.

He took off his black and white sweater. 273 cuts total on both arms. He avoided his other scars, and cut. He felt his blood pour oit of ths wound. Then again. And again... and again. Six times he did it. Six cuts. His favorite number was six.

Now let your troubkea flo-

"SHUT UP!!!!!!" Reach screamed at the top of his lungs to block her out, but it didnt work. He calmed, and wrapped the arm he cut with an ace bandage, and put his sweater back on. He left the room. As he walked back to his room he reached in his pocjet to poke his finger with the razor. It wasnt there. He saw his mom walk into the bathroom. He turned and ran into his room, and hid the box.

Reach heard her shreik as she found thw bloody blade. She ran over to his room and unlocked the door. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!?!?" She held up the bloody blade. Reach had his ear buds in and ignored her. She yelled at him. "YOU LITTLE FUCKING SHIT! YOU THINK JUST CUZ YOUR GOIBG THROUGH SINETHIG BAD IB YOUR LIFE DOSENT MEAN WE AREBT TOO!!!!" She storned out, just as his dad pulled up.

Reach wasnt paying attention.
You are lucky. They dont care. Laveder cooed.

"Mikel, our son is doing it again." Tge mom walked out and showed him the blade. Mikel stormed into the house. Rachel tried to hug him, but he pushed her aside and stormed upstairs. He slamed Reachs door, making him jump, and see his dad.

He instantly knew he had to run. He felt his world go into slow motion, and he saw the window. As his senses went back to normal, he ran to tge window. His dad grabbrd the arm he just cut. Reach screamed in pain as he grabbed the exact area he cut. He tried to punch him, but his dad grabbes his other arm, and shoved him onto the bed. He lifted his sleves, and took off reaches Ace bandage.

He pinched evwry single cut, hit every bruise, and then punched him in the face. Some times he woukd pinch them twice. Reach tried to fight back, or to call for help. But his dad muffled his screams.

Reach was in his room. Nothing but him and his room. He pulled out the razors. He had covered evert inch of his arm he could reach. He cut his leg once, then laid back in defeat. He glanced iver at his bottles of pills, the pills he had to take to controk his Schizophrenia. But he never did. It made him feel worse, and he couldnt do any thing...

Worthless, End it while you can.

He looked over at the pills. He walked over to the pills. He took a largw handfull of them and took them, and drank sonewater. He passed out soon after that, overdoseing.

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