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(Authors Note: So the last chapter was really long... tell me whether that was good or bad. Second if you dont know what Schizophrenia is, it is when people hear voices. It is a serious matter, so this is no joke. So just sayin... )

Reach blinked awake... he felt so groggy. He heard the beats of a heart monitor. He looked around. He was in a white room, a hospital room. He looked around, feeling so dizzy. He saw the nurse sitting near the door, and his mom sobbing next to him. He saw rachel, sitting by there dad. His mom looked up and saw he was awake. He looked away from her. Why was he here... why wasnt he dead. "Hey... Reach... plz talk to me.." she whispered, fear in her voice. He looked ober at her, and blinked. He would say something, if he wasnt so tired. His world went black as he went back into unconsiusness.

A few hours later he awoke, feeling better. He saw his older brother and sister there. They looked disapointed. He felt bad now... they flew out here to see him.. and he...

"I..." that was all he could get out before Kaili just shook her head. "Shh. Rest. Explain later." Then blackness.

He woke uo for the final time a day later. His brother and sisters were still there. Reach slowly sat up. He looked at his arms. Still scard. He felt cold.
"Hey.. im awake.." he whispered,and they stopped there conversation. "Hey bro.." Chloe said. "Im sorr-" "just shush about that." Mark said. Reach leaned back. "I just wanted to say im sorry.." he was lieing through his teeth, but they fell for it... they were kinda stupid.

"Its ok... you here to get the help you need."

Wait.. what? He looked aroubd frantically realizeing what kind of hospital he was in.

"No....no... no! I dont need to be here!!!!" He tried to get up, bit his feet were restrained.

"Calm down!" Chloe quickly sat by him and held him down while mark went to get some nurses.

"Let me go!!!!" Reach screamed at the top of his lungs.

Mark came back wirh a few nurses, and they held him down and then gave him a drug that would make him consius, but unable to move. It took a few mins for it to take effect.

Soon he was just lying there limply. They also gave him the pills so Lavender couosnt talk to him. He felt so alone... so so alone...

Silence brings more pain my brother.

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