The Cell Pt. 1

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Loki sat in his cage, staring at the ceiling and pondering what curious plaything Frigga would send him next. He took the rubber ball in his hand and casually lobbed it at the wall, catching it easily when it bounced back. He repeated this process, growing bored. He still had his thoughts to occupy him, however. That was always a comfort to individuals such as himself.

Loki didn't mind the quiet. He liked to be alone with his thoughts. Especially to get away from Thor. The oaf frazzled Loki's brain by simply speaking. The bland colors of the cell also brought a sense of calm and unity, which was a nice contrast to his previous life.

Loki was somewhat ashamed to think he had almost grown used to the monochromatic, simplistic life of a cold, snow-white jail cell. It wasn't filthy, like mortals kept their cells. It was actually quite a lush lifestyle for a prisoner. And Loki was accustomed to it. He barely missed his old life of adventure and danger. Okay, that was a total lie, but hey, that's what Loki does.

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