The Ignorant Brother

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Loki stared the broken glass on the floor as he thought about killing himself. Bleak, but really, isn't everything? Nah, he thought, too much effort. He was weak.

He heard nearby footsteps and cast an illusion over the room to make it and himself look orderly. Blond hair entered his field of vision, and he sighed exasperatedly. "Oh brother, do you miss me that much already?"

Thor looked him straight in the eye, unflinching. "Certainly not, brother. However, mother requests your presence. A few guards will soon arrive to guide you to her chambers--"

"No." Loki interjected, as he sat up abruptly. "You will escort me. Or else, I will not go."

"But you face death, if you do not obey the Queen's wishes." Thor paused with a sigh, realizing that Loki probably didn't even care. "Very well."

As Thor led Loki down the shining halls of Asgard, Loki was silent, (which was surely a rare treat for his brother).

Until he wasn't.

"How are the Realms, brother? I trust you've been keeping faithful watch over them all, especially Midgard." Loki winked playfully.

Thor rolled his eyes, letting the comment slide, against his wishes. There had been peace on their planet for only about 2 Asgardian months, and they didn't need another incident breaking that record. Loki, indubitably, had other plans.

"And I'm sure Jane is...well?" Loki hesitated and played it up for his gullible brother.

Thor grabbed Loki's shoulders, which made Loki smile from ear to ear. Which made Thor realize that his brother was only trying to rile him up. He let go, but stopped Loki in his tracks by holding out Mjolnir, looking very angry. "What have you done, brother?"

Loki chuckled, enjoying this. "Who said that I did anything?" Loki emphasized the "I", the most convincing gleam of surprise in his eyes.

Thor shook his brother's shoulders so hard that Loki felt them both pop. "What has happened to Jane, Loki?" he asked in his booming voice.

Loki chuckled and said "Well, we'll soon find out, won't we?" Thor released his brother and flew out the open window of the plaza. Loki brushed his cape off, and smirked. Thor was so gullible. Ignorant oaf that he was. Loki was beginning to think Thor was becoming one of the creatures he so loved: those bloody Midgardians.

Obviously, Jane had come to no harm. Loki was only teasing his brother. 

Loki was now alone in the corridor, still handcuffed, though that could be easily taken care of. With a snap of his fingers, his hands were freed and he strode down the massive hallway in long strides. As he entered the clearing outside, he cast an illusion over himself so that others could not see him. He spun in circles with his arms spread, breathing the crisp mountain air for the first time in three months. He pranced around a bit, moving things around people so that when they turned back to their tasks, they were shocked that something had moved. A ruckus ensued, and Asgardian commoners were accusing each other of having stolen one another's rations or daughters or some other nonsense. Loki's face was alight with joy. Here he was at his finest.

Loki couldn't wait to steal a platform ship to escape the hell he was forced to call home. And nothing was going to stop him from doing just that. Well....almost nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2018 ⏰

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