Chapter 5

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Maya POV

"Maya honey , how was your first day of work." My mom asked me why pulling into our driveway.

"It was okay." I said while walking to my front door.

"What do you want for dinner." My mom said while walking into the kitchen.

"Spaghetti ."


"Mom, is dad home."

"No , he is still at work."

"Okay, well I will be in my room." I said while walking up to my room.

I sat in my room watching The Longest Ride the I heard banging noises on my window. I look over and see Lucas outside of my window. I walked over to my window and just stare at him. I just standing there thinking then I got a text.

Unknown: Let me in hart.

How did he get my number. How do he know where I live.

I unlock my window promptly and slide it up. He swings one of his legs over the windowsill , ducks his head under the window and pull his other leg inside my room, then he just looks at me.

"How did you find out where I live?" I ask in shock.

"I have my ways." He grins.

"Why are you here." I asked

"All my friends were busy, so I decided to come."

"How did you get my number?"

"Like I said before I have my ways."

"You can leave now I really don't want you here." I said in a angry voice.

"Wanna watch a movie." He said while jumping on my bed.

"Did you not here what I just said."

"Do you want to watch a movie?" He asked again.

"I'm already watching a movie." I said because I already knew he was not listening to me.

"What are you watching?"

"The Longest Ride and if my parents find out I have a boy in my room they are going to kill me."

"They will never now I'm here, I'll be quiet and all you have to do is lock the door." He says with a smirk.

I walk over to the door and lock it. Then I sit on my bed beside him.   We didn't talk but I did catch him looking at me a couple of times.

"Hey Maya dinner is ready, you can come downstairs now." My mom says while yelling from upstairs.

"I guess it's time for me to leave."

"I have to ask you something before you leave."

"What is it."

"Do Brandon talk about me."

"Yea, but not in a good way."  He said while leaving throw the window.

What did he mean by that. That was on my mind the whole night.


How did Lucas get Maya phone number, how did he find her house.

Out of all people why would he go to Maya's house.

What kind of things do Brandon say about Maya.

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