Chapter 9

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Maya POV

Josh and Riley left about an hour and ago. It was kinda weird because it was just me Lucas in the house.

"Hey Hart, we're going out ."

"We?" I asked

"Yeah, I don't want to stay in the house all day. Now go upstairs and get Ava." He said. I just walked upstairs and got Ava.

I got Ava and headed out the door. Lucas was had the car door open for to put Ava in her car-sit and yes Lucas can drive, I'm taking my drivers test in and two weeks and I'm excited about it.

We was stuck in traffic and it was so quiet in the car because Ava was sleep.

"So.... Where are you taking us Lucas?" I asked.

"I'm taking Ava to my big sister house." He said with a smirk on his face.

"You have a big sister."

"Yep." He said.

"How old is she."

"She's 21."

"So.... Why don't your sister watch Ava?"

"My mom and my sister don't really get along and my mom wouldn't have enough time to drop Ava off at her house."

"Why don't you drop Ava off for your mom?"

"You sure do ask a lot of questions." He said. I just ignore him and I was going ask another question.

"After you drop Ava off where are you taking me."

"That's a surprise."

"Whatever" I said while rolling my eyes.

*5 minutes later*

"We're here." He said. His sister house was big but not as big as his. His sister opens up the door a smile at Lucas and Ava, then she saw me and her smiled dropped.

"Hey Avery, long time no see."

"Hey Lucas, who's the girl?" Avery asked.

"I'm Maya" I said with a smile. She just looked at me. I don't know why she has an attitude I just met this girl.

"What happened to Riley?"  She asked Lucas like wasn't in the room.

"Nothing she's still my girlfriend."  He told Avery while looking at me.

"Why did you bring her here." Avery said. I could tell she was mad , she needs to take a chill pill because I didn't do anything to her.

"Because she's my friend." Lucas said.

I can't believe he just called me his friend.

"It looks like she wants to me more than a friend."  She said while giving me a death glare.

I really want to walk up to her face slap her.

"Hart come on, we're leaving." Lucas said while pulling me out the door.

We went to the car and Lucas started driving.

"Sorry about my sister."

"It's okay but why was she acting like that?" I asked.

"She really likes Riley. She thinks me and Riley are going to get married and have kids."



"Why did you call me your friend?"

"We're here." He said walking out the car and open my door.

"So your not going to answer my question?"  He pushed and my back was on the car we were so close I looked up and he was looking down at mine and then I started to look down at his.  He went closer to my ear and whispered "you are my friend." Then he started licking my ear, I almost let out a small giggle. This never happened to me before. 

"Maya!" I heard a male voice yell. When I heard the voice I pushed Lucas off of me,  I turned around and seen Josh. I was just hoping he didn't see what just happened between me and Lucas. I also noticed that was in front of a big house, Lucas brought me to a party. I just wonder who house this was.

"Hey Josh."

"Why are you and Lucas here together."

"Because he's my friend."   

"Lucas can I talk to Maya in private."  Josh said.

Lucas looked at me and smirked and said "Yea, where's Riley."

She's in her room." Josh said and with  that Lucas walked off.

I can't believe Lucas took me to Riley's house.

"What's going on with you and Lucas."

"Nothing, why do you always ask that?"

"I feel like you like him."

"Well I don't."

"Okay good."

"Come on let's go in." I said while taking his hand and he smiled.

I know Josh and Maya never went on there date.

What happens at the party is going to be interesting.

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