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Dear Everyone,

I just wanted to thank everyone for giving this story a chance and sticking with me through my erratic updates. I'm just going to quickly answer some FAQ's I've seen popping up quite a bit.

What does Morgana look like? Have you cast her?

I didn't describe Morgana's appearance for a reason. I wanted to make it easier for people to relate with her without worrying about her looks. So, what Morgana looks like is all up to you. Someone told me they see Morgana as being quite tall with short blonde hair and deep brown eyes. Whilst someone else said they imagine Morgana to be dark-skinned, have long dark hair and darker eyes. So, really it depends on the person.

And no, she hasn't been cast. Again, someone told me they imagine Morgana as Emma Watson and someone else mentioned they see her as a young, 90s, Selma Hayek.

Did DC ever have romantic feelings for Morgana?

Ha. No. But if you think they did, that's totally cool, it's all up to your interpretation. I've always thought the story belongs to both the writer and the reader. So, any, interpretation is valid.

I really liked Morgana with DC, I thought they were better suited. Why didn't she end up with DC?

I was surprised that a lot people shipped Morgana and DC together (at some point I did too to be honest). So, you'll notice that there aren't many men in 30L and that it's quite a female-centric story. The reason is because I planned to only have three male figures in Morgana's life. Her father, a first love and a close friend. James is her first love and DC is her close friend. I think it was important for Morgana to have a platonic male friend, someone she could connect with deeply, both emotionally and spiritually and not have that relationship lead down the romantic road. Cause, girls can be just friends with boys.

What happens to DC?

Ah. DC. Well, he still lives in Melbourne with is aunt and uncle. And he got into the University of Sydney to study Linguistics and Modern Foreign Languages since he's always had a knack for languages. And he's still in contact with Morgana, those two can't let go of each other.

Morgana and DC, will they meet again?

Yes. Yes. Yes. For definite. I always thought that those two would bump in to each other on their year abroad in university. (Year Abroad is when you study for a year at a university in another country). Maybe it'll be in California or Japan or even Italy but when they do, "it'll be like coming home." It'll be like no time has passed at all and I think those two will be in each other's live for a long time. I'd go as far as saying forever and forever.

Is there going to be a sequel?

Sorry but no. I planned for this to be a standalone. A chronicle of a girl's struggle to understand herself and those around her.

What happens to Ariel and Evelyn, Morgana's sisters?

Ariel goes to St. Sebastien's (it's an all-girls school and also because she thinks boys are yucky.) In my head, Ariel will go on to become an actress since she loves to dress up and act.

And Evelyn goes to Newcastle Uni. I think university is going to be hard but at the same time very enlightening for Evelyn. Like Morgana in these letters, university is a time where she'll stop and really look at herself, at the choices she's made and the people she loves and the people she hates. And in end, she'll come out of university, a little braver and a whole lot wiser.

Does anybody find the letters? Or does Morgana actually send them out?

Personally, I really don't think so. Like, Morgana said, these letters aren't the kind that are meant to be sent off and read by others. They acted as a diary, a way for her to release those dark thoughts and twisted emotions. And I think she's always gonna hold them close to her heart and maybe, far, far in the future she might show them to someone. (In my head, it's always been DC)

How did you get the idea for the story?

I got the idea for The Dreamer from the 30 Day Letter Challenge. I liked the idea of chronicling someone's life through the people they've known or met, and detailing the landscape of a teenage girl's mind through her letters. I think we've all felt lost in our lives and I wanted The Dreamer to be a sort-of study in solitude and grief. I wanted it to be for anyone who felt alone and unknown and for them to understand that the world isn't so dark and that you are never alone.

What is Morgana going to do without the letters now? Will she ever write more?

To be honest, I have no idea what Morgana is gonna do without them. But I think, she's in a better place now because of them. And if she ever gets into dark place like before she will write more letters as a way to cope and understand her feelings.

What happens to James and Morgana?

No idea (I kind of like having their future a mystery to both them and myself) but I think they're gonna be more than okay.

Is there going to be an epilogue?

I don't think so. It's just those thirty letters and this little FAQ.

How did you feel when you were writing this story? What kept you going?

To be honest a little emotional. Writing these letters was a bit draining (emotionally) as it did require that I look deep within myself (and Morgana's character) to conjure up believable and compelling emotions to really portray how she was feeling. I kept going because of all the lovely comments and the support you guys gave me.

Is Morgana or any of the characters based on you or anyone you know?

If I'm being frank, I'd say Morgana is partly based on me when I was about 13-16. There was a lot going on in my life back then and I never really dealt with my emotions properly much like Morgana. Other characters like DC, he's based on a boy I knew in sixth form actually. He was funny and understanding but he always got in trouble with the school but he didn't move away to Australia like DC. Evelyn, well, I've known quite a few girls like Evelyn and they always made uncomfortable and unsure about myself. But I knew they all had a story behind their sneers and I thought it would be interesting to explore that with Evelyn.

Are you going to do a one shot contest?

I'm afraid not. I really don't have time since university is so demanding but it would great to read all your little stories on The Dreamer. But, hey, if you do want to write a one-shot regardless, I would LOVE to read it.

So, that's it, I think I answered all your question as best I could. Now I have a question for you.

What was your favourite letter and why?

All the best,
Rose xoxo

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