Prologue: Dr. Sawbones

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Everything in this story belongs to me, besides the name of the boy Ranko and the song the ghosts sing. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. If anybody steals anything from this story, I will personally destroy you.

Ignore the irony in that paragraph.

Also, the prologue is dedicated to PoisionedNightshade  , because she is really the only one that continued to talk about the idea with me... Also I love her last name.

The video is the book's theme song

December 16, 2015

A man with long gray hair gritted his teeth as he read the letter that terminated his glorious idea.

It was glorious! He would've saved the world!

And now he was stuck in this house until the day he died.

Dr. Sawbones, as the seven kidnapped boys called him, turned around. The youngest of the street rats was sitting on the table. He had glowing red hot cracks from his stomach to his forehead that burned worse than white fire, however the 11-year-old had learned to stay quiet.

If only he'd ran away when that man had asked him if he wanted a place to say two months ago! The boy had been begging in front of a gas station, before Dr. Sawbones had offered his home. He seemed so kind, so polite.

Oh, how wrong he was.

Dr. Sawbones chuckled. "Well... they may be able to take away my freedom... but they'll see how amazing my idea truly is..."

The boy gulped, fearfully clenching his fists, before wincing as burning veins met burning veins.

Dr. Sawbones went to his drawer and pulled out a syringe. The boy's eyes widened in terror.

That was the 'Sawbones Shot', as the others called it.

What was Sawbones, you ask? It was a virus that turned your blood into plasma lava, to put it simply. Your blood burned, and as a result your skin became charred and black before it cracked as your veins pushed to the surface to get oxygen. Very slowly, it burned off your limbs.

It was six months of pure agony.

And it seemed he was getting another dose.

He desperately struggled against the restraints holding him down on the table as Dr. Sawbones came closer with an insane, crazy smile.

The boy opened his mouth to scream, however Dr. Sawbones used his hand to keep his jaws apart before plunging the needle into his throat.

The screech that came from the boy wasn't human.

His veins bubbled widely, until they burst and red-hot blood squirted everywhere.

Somehow, though, he was still alive.

The boy continued his inhuman screeches, however they were slightly muffled as blood poured out of his mouth.

His limbs slowly began to swell, until they disintegrated into dust. His eyes melted, and his screams went silent as his vocal cords burst...

And then, he was still.

Dr. Sawbones started to laugh maniacally. He was unharmed, as he had a vaccine for Sawbones. Not to mention he had a glass shield to protect him from the hot blood. His laugh echoed around the two-story home, and six other boys that were upstairs froze. The oldest clenched his fists before he ran down the stairs to the basement, forcing himself to ignore the burning pain.

At the sight of the little boy's body, he threw up red-hot... whatever it was.

Utter fury in his eyes, the boy marched up the still-laughing Dr. Sawbones and pressed a red-hot hand to the Dr.'s face.

Dr. Sawbones' laughs turned into screams as his skin burned.

The boy, who weirdly hadn't had terrible symptoms like the others, gouged out one of Dr. Sawbones' eyes, and used the distraction to run back up the stairs.

"Where's Callum?" One of the other boys asked, wincing with each word.

"Dr. Sawbones gave him another Sawbones Shot." The oldest replied darkly. "The bastard."

"Where is he now?"

"I locked him in that stupid basement." He replied. "And with any luck... even his ghost will stay there..."

"You believe in ghosts?" Another boy asked.

"Who wouldn't after all this crap?" The oldest snorted. "Anything's possible."

"Yeah." Another agreed. "I mean, we all look like Lava Girls!"

"We can't leave." The oldest looked at his feet. "The project has been terminated, and nothing leaves this house alive." He looked back up with burning eyes. "But we all know Dr. Sawbones will find a way out."

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