Chapter 1

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Sun shining, birds singing, and the nice cool summer breeze, me and symone had only been out of school for about a month now, but in that month we managed to make the most of it. After graduation my mother and my great grandmother left back for Buffalo, and symone and her family went to south Carolina for a week, it was pretty chill not being in school and such. I was still looking for a job, and such I landed a couple interviews and meet with a few businesses but no luck had come my way. Well that is until symone came back from south Carolina I had left two of my shirts over at her house so we talk about how I'm going to get it, so I jokingly say "I'll just sneak in your house and grab it", "she says for real?". And "I say yeah sure, why not" so we sit and talk about the best time that I should come and get the shirts, so we both agree on about 12 maybe 1. So as 12 rolls around I Open my window and make sure the dog is sleep, my door is locked, and all the lights are off, "all set" as I jump out my window it starts to rain a little bit, so I'm thinking "well Damn mother nature" but it's only a light drizzle so I start to run and make my way to her house, and it starts to rain faster and harder, so I get to her window and find that it's already open and prepared for my entry. So I squeeze through the window and I am meeted by symone and her white bra and pantie outfit, so I look at symone and we start to kiss and I ask if she had my shirts ready, and she points to them and I look back at her and we kiss some more, then the impossible happens her dog starts to bark and I begin to panic so I hide in her closest while her mother wakes up and comes I her room, mind you her closest is not that big and it's so hard to move around In there, so I sit in her closest for about 20-25 minutes and her mother finally goes back to sleep and symone closes her door and tells me that I have to go now, so I don't argue with her on the matter I grab my shirts and make my way through her window and back home, and as I lay down I get a message from symone stating that maybe we should try again at a later time in the month I agree with her and we both fall asleep, and the email that I awaken to in the morning will be the best news I received all month.

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