Chapter 2

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A received an email from chik-fil-a saying that they had open interviews on Thursday, so I took the opportunity and went to the open interview, I had on nice black slacks a brown and black sweater vest with some nice dress shoes, I was interviewed by three people two managers and the director of operations, the interview went well, I was very Humboldt and I sat up straight and answered each question with a nice long detailed filled answer, Oh and I made sure I kept eye contact with all three of them. The interview lasted only for about 45 minutes, nothing serious. The following day was my baby sister elyns birthday party since her birthday was in the middle of the week we had the party on sunday, we went to a park and had fun there, later that day symone asked me how the party was going and if I wanted to go to a wedding with her later, I asked my father and he said sure, so after the party I went home and showered and I was on my way, the wedding was nice and symone looked beautiful as always, we would then later go out to eat and then return to symones house to watch the basketball game. The following week would go to be one of the best weeks I've had in a while, it Wednesday, elyns birthday and that day. During the summer symone and I were used to being awake early to certain reasons kids, going places, work, you name it. I was awakened by a kik message from symone and we began to talk, she would go to mention the fact that her mother and father are gone, and her sisters are sleep, and a light went off in my head, and I already knew where she was going with this. So just to get Clarification I ask her and she says yes, so I grab my shoes and my bandana and leave the house. As I arrive at symones house she opens the door and I come in, I take a minute to catch my breath after all that running, so after I catch my breath we start to kiss and touch and one thing leads to another, but I hear a door unlocked and I get scared and loose all excitement, so she goes to check and comes back and says that it was just the dog, so we start to kiss again and I lay down on my back as she gets on top and I'm pretty sure you guys know what happens next, after that it's kinda like me and her get more attached and the sparks start to fly higher and brighter, we would start to do that more often, Oh and I managed to Get the job at chik-fil-a so I guess you can say that whole month of June was pretty good, then comes July my birth month, A month full of news, the last time me and symone got into a fight and the first time I got symone high. But all those stories come in due time my friends.

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