Chapter 8

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Keep in mind that I'm still fucked up, after the recent engagement, I went to hang out with my friends and she did hers, considering the fact that we were still together lol, symone and her friends disappeared for a while and so did mine, so it was me and Chris, one of symones friends girlfriend, she kinda resembled a guy, but I couldn't really focus on that, me and Chris sat Down drank some more and bowled a few frames, we somewhat made a little conversation about nothing honestly lol, but she was a cool dude to talk to. After a while the crew starts to come back, and at this point I literally forgot where I was for about 10 seconds, then I went to the bathroom and realized how fucked up I was my eyes were low and red and I looked dead inside, I left the bathroom and came back to everybody looking tired and anxious. So me symone and her friend and two of mine went back to my friend Tyler house and we chilled there, that is until one of the friends mentioned marijuana, so me and symone friend decided to put 20$ in together and bout 40s worth, symone friend and I started to smoke and it didn't take long for symone to crack under pressure and join us, so for about 30 minutes we sat outside the three of us and passed around a blunt and a bowl of weed. When I tell you that had to be the highest we have ever gotten. My legs were shaking my body felt free and I just needed to lay down somewhere. After we all get done smoking we go into the house and pick and choose our spots, I played Xbox and symone and her other friend laid down on the floor, but I couldn't even play the Xbox, because my head started to spin and my vision got blurry, the effect of the marijuana and alcohol started to mix and it was bad, but I sat down and I started to have these flashbacks of when I was younger and it kinda scaring me I guess you can say, but symone was there she let me lay in her lap while she rubbed my head, and I kissed the inner part of her thigh. After a while we decided to call it a day and everybody headed home, we called symones friend a uber, and me and symone took a taxis home. As I awake on Saturday I remember that symone invited to me hang out with her and her sisters that following day, so I arrive to work with a mean ass hangover, I still felt a little high and drunk, but I managed to make it through the day. We go out to eat at chili's and we sit there and have some normal quality time nothing serious, the next day is the day of my baby's birthday 10/11. So we attend church and afterwards her mom and sister leave to go somewhere so it's just me and her and her father at the house, we Start off kissing and then we eventually have sex, on the couch while her father was in the other room, she gave me a big ass hickey on my neck, and I don't mind it, so we go out to eat at red lobsters, it overall was a pretty good weekend and of all I'm glad she enjoyed it.

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