New home

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So I am 17 and am currently moving by myself to New York. How stupid does that sound? Very.
Hi, my name is Jess Mitchell and my parents died in a car crash a few weeks ago and because I have no other family, I'm forced to move away from my hometown.
I just got off an 8 hour flight and a taxi is taking me to a bungalow in the dead centre of New York where I'm supposed to be living. By myself. I pay the cab driver $20 and make my way to the door of the small one story house. I unpack my bags and sort out the one bedroom I'm meant to be sleeping in. Luckily the people who lived here before me left some furniture.

There is a front door which has a short but wide hallway with a mirror at the end of it facing directly at the door as you walk in. To the right of the mirror is a bathroom with a shower, a small tub, a sink and a toilet with a window above it. To the left of the mirror is a small bedroom with a large window taking over almost all of one of the walls. It has a double bed with a white duvet, a wardrobe built into the wall with mirrors as the doors and there are some shelves on the plain white walls of the bedroom. The floor is a creamy wooden plank style. Back in the hall way, to the right of the front door is a large lounge area with two couches and a big sofa facing a flat screen TV and there's a fire place opposite a big sliding glass door leading out into the garden. On the right to the front door is the kitchen with a small table wedged into the corner with two wooden chairs on each side, an island in the middle and counters and cupboards with the stove, oven and fridge all the way around the room. There is a backdoor leading out into the garden also revealing the freshly cut green grass, a few mini trees and some bushes with all sorts of coloured berries hiding in between the leaves. The sky is a beautiful pink with clouds of yellowy-White and the sun is slowly setting.

I finish unpacking my things and placing all my clothes in the closets when there's a knock on the door. I hurry to answer it and a woman wearing a red blazer and matching pencil skirt, a white blouse buttoned all the way up, black heels, red lipstick and brown straight hair comes into view. I greet her with a smile and notice she is carrying a fruit basket.

'Welcome to the neighbourhood' she says, 'my name is Angie and I am your new neighbour, please accept this fruit basket as a welcoming gift and since I know you are living by yourself; feel free to pop in anytime if you need anything'.

I take the basket of different fruits and other treats from her and smile, 'thank you, I'm Jess' I say putting the basket down and allowing her to shake my hand.

'Well Jess I hope you're settling in okay, I have to go now but like I said feel free to pop in anytime if needed.' She flashes another white toothed smile and leaves.

I take the basket to the kitchen and place it on the island, I decide to go take a shower and make my way to the bathroom grabbing a towel, a robe and some toiletries.
After my shower I leave my hair to dry naturally and get changed into my pyjamas, I set my phone to wake me up for 6am and I fall asleep instantly after a long flight. Tomorrow's gonna be a big day!!

--In the morning--
I wake up to the sound of an alarm ringing in my ears. I groan as I pick up my phone and shut it off. I make my way to the bathroom and brush my teeth, wash my face and brush my hair. I walk back into my bedroom and open my closet revealing all my clothing, I choose a black mini skirt, a light grey crop top with black lettering 'babe' that reveals my stomach, and white nikes. I leave my brown hair down and straight but I put it into a half-up half-down look, then I wear my silver diamond earrings and I put on a little eye liner and mascara before I leave the house and call for a cab. My mum and dad had at least $300,000 in their savings which had to go to me since there was no one else to give it to. So I wait for my taxi to arrive and pull out a piece of bubble mint gum from my bag, the cab arrives and I get in for it to take me to school.
I arrive at West Mount High and I give the driver $15 before leaving the car and making my way up to the entrance of the school. The office is the first thing I see so I go to get my schedule and locker number. The receptionist gives me my information and I walk through the crowded hallway to find locker 29. On my way I see girls looking at me up and down, a few glaring at me, some not paying attention from being on their phones and some drooling over a group of boys.

I finally find my locker and open it to put my stuff in. I view my schedule and see that my first lesson is Home Ec. I shut my locker and I look on the map the receptionist gave me to find the Art department where HE is located. On my way I hear some idiot boys hollering at me, I ignore it until they actually come up to me.

Breakthrough, or heart breaker?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora