Luke Gradson

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--Jess' POV--
A group of boys start hollering at me. I ignore them until they actually come up to me...
"Hey babe where you going?" A blonde one with full pink lips say. I would find him really attractive if he didn't seem so obnoxious.

"Don't worry about it!" I say as I walk at a faster pace to my lesson. I find the room I'm supposed to be in when I trip and fall landing on someone, next thing I know I'm drenched in coffee.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" Says the girl. "I'm so clumsy!"
She helps me up.
"It's okay!" I said as I get up in pain from the steaming hot coffee and embarrassment from the fall. "It's not your fault, I tripped!" I finish.

"No I feel awful. Here I'll take you to the bathroom and help you clean up!" She suggests, grabbing my arm and tugging me along with her to the nearest restroom. She has two long bleach blonde French braids hanging beside her ears which are covered in piercings from the top of her ear to her lobe, she has bright blue eyes and long eye lashes that really let her big pink lips stand out, stunning, she has a long chain dangling from her neck which has a small silver peace charm hanging from the bottom and she is wearing a short floral dress with a belt that ends just above the knee and ankle boots.

We're in front of the mirror and she's prodding me with baby wipes.  surprisingly, it's helping.
"So you're new here?" She asks, smiling.

"I am. I came here from Washington DC, I'm Jess by the way" I say to her giving her my hand to shake.

"Well Jess, I'm Clara". The girl says as she takes my hand. "That's all I can do about the coffee for now, and again I'm so sorry" she apologises.

"Don't mention it!" I say as I take a look in the mirror to see the coffee stain has pretty much vanished.

"What's your first lesson? I feel guilty for making you late" she asks, putting the packet of baby wipes back in her bag.

"Home ec" I say, still looking in the mirror.

"Me too! You're in my class, that's great; we can be late together" she says oddly excited. I grin as we both make our way to home ec.

I walk in the room and the first thing I see is that boy who called me 'babe' just a few minutes ago. Great. A flirt in the class. He catches my eye and smirks, giving me a wink. I roll my eyes and take a seat next to Clara, luckily the teacher hasn't even arrived yet.

"Who is that boy?" I ask, nodding my head in his direction.

"Oh that's Luke. Luke Gradson." She says, rolling her eyes.

"I take it he's a flirt?" I ask, assuming she'll agree.

"Flirt is an understatement honey, he is the schools biggest player. He's taken every girl in our year's virginity, including mine. He uses his charm on them and it works, well.. Like a charm. Even if you think you won't fall for it, you will. Eventually." She says, sounding ever so serious.

"Well I can tell you now it won't work on me, and even if it does I won't show it" I say sounding determined. She is about to say something else when the teacher walks in the class.

"Greetings children. Apologies for being so late but I had car troubles" he says. He is a young teacher, maybe in his 20's and he is pretty attractive. "Anyway, I am Mr. Bonney and the reason I am introducing myself is because we have a new student today...' He goes on.

Crap. Please don't tell me he's gonna announce my name and make me stand in front of the whole class or something.

"Jess. Please come stand here". He gestures towards him so I get up, slightly annoyed and walk up to stand next to him. "Class, this is Jess Mitchell and she is new. I want you to be extra nice to her as its her first day" he says. I blush as Luke catches my eye once again and he bites his lip, sliding his eyes down my body a few times until he stops at my chest. I roll my eyes and sit back down next to Clara. How humiliating.

It's half way through the lesson and Mr Bonney said that since its our first day back, we get to make cupcakes. He lets us choose our work stations so me and Clara go right at the back but unfortunately, so does Luke and this other really hot boy who I'm guessing is his mate. Clara goes opposite me and Luke goes next to me.

I ignore his gaze and I fish out all the ingredients from the cupboard to my left. I grab the final ingredient, flour, when I feel something grab my ass. I turn around in surprise to find Luke grinning at me as I glare at him.

"Fuck off" I say slamming the flour on the counter allowing a cloud of dust to puff out the bag as I turn to face him.

"Sorry babe" he says, smirking. "Not my fault your ass is so fine".

I turn to Clara who is shaking her head signalling me to just ignore him.

"Whatever" I say turning back around to face my work station. Bad idea. I feel another slap on my ass and then I hear a chuckle coming from the twat next to Clara. Luke grins and walks back to his station. I roll my eyes and begin to bake.

While the cupcakes are baking in the oven, Clara and I are outside the classroom chatting about West Mount High.

"Who is that guy working next to you?" I ask her, just out of curiosity.

"Oh that's Jake. Jake Reed. He is Luke's best mate and although he isn't as much of a player as Luke, he gets a lot of girls too." She explains.

"Hmm" I say. Not finding the words to describe how stupid that sounds. How can girls be so retarded? I mean, if they know he's a player and know that if they sleep with him; they'll get played. What goes through their head when they decide it's a good idea to go out with him? I don't know.

"Be right back, I'm just gonna talk to Mr Bonney about how I'm not here next week. Dentist appointment" she says as she walks back in the class room. I stay outside waiting for her return when I feel arms wrap around my waist.

"Hey" I hear a seductive voice say. I turn my head and meet beautiful blue eyes, until I realise who it is.

"What?" I say coldly, trying to let him take a hint before he tries to make any sort of move on me.

"Damn babe chill out, I just wanna make small talk" he says, staring deep into my eyes. They slowly creep down to my lips, then my neck and then my chest again.

I roll my eyes. "What do you want?" I say getting slightly pissed off at the fact he thinks he can get any girl.

"You" he says smirking at me.

"Wha-" I get cut off as I feel hands grab my fore arms from behind me and suddenly I get pushed into a dark closet. Ugh, it must have been Jake. I hear the door lock and suddenly I'm pushed against the cold wall and I get kissed roughly. Luke slams his lips into mine and repeatedly kisses me over and over, shoving his tongue into my mouth. His hands grabbing me all over and I finally push him the fuck off me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I yell, trying to unlock the door. Smashing my hips against it to try and bust it open.

"Oh no princess you're not escaping just yet" I hear a deep voice say at the other side of the door. Jakes guarding the closet? What the fuck is wrong with this school? I've barely even been here a day.

Suddenly my hand gets grabbed and Luke drags it down against his abs. Suddenly I'm in awe of his toned body, he's shirtless. I then just realised that the lights were on. Then he grips both my hands with one of his and they get pushed against the wall above my head, he slams his knees to my thighs and I can't escape out of his grip. His other hand clutching my breast. Well that escalated quickly...
He starts to kiss my neck and suck on it. I wriggle trying to get free but it isn't working.  Someone let me out!!

Breakthrough, or heart breaker?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang