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Dare: I dare you to invite Slendy's brothers over in secret. FAMILY REUNION!!!

Jeff: Ok. For once I'll be the one being entertained instead of doing the entertaining
*calls Slenderman*

Slenderman: Hello

Jeff: Hey! Slendy, wanna meet up at my place to party? There'll be games.

Slenderman: Uumm...sure? Wait! My br-

Jeff: Ok see ya there! 5:00, don't be late!
*hangs up!*
*calls Splendorman*

Splendorman: Hey!

Jeff: Hey Splendorman! Wanna meet up at my place to party? It'll be fun! Laughing Jack, Masky, Ticci Toby, Eyeless Jack and other creepypastas will be there! It's at 5.

Splendorman: Of course!

Jeff: Ok, see you there!
*hangs up*
*Calls Trenderman*

Trenderman: Yes?

Jeff: Wanna meet up at my place at 5:00 to party with other creepypastas?

Trenderman: There's no mess or anything right? Everyone will be dressed nice?

Jeff: Yeah sure

Trenderman: Ok, I'll be there, but-!

Jeff: Ok, don't keep us waiting, bye!
*hangs up*
*calls Offenderman*

Offenderman: Hello

Jeff: Hey wanna meet up at my place to party at 5?

Offenderman: Sure, why not?

Jeff: K, see you there
*hangs up*
*calls other creepypastas and invites them*
*Sets up for the party*

*Timeskip to 4:50*

*A few creepypastas show up early*

Jeff: You guys are here early

Jane: Yeah we know

Jeff: ...Ok...

Toby: There's waffles right. Cuz if there's not them I might as well leave

Jeff: There's waffles!

Masky: And ch-

Jeff: And cheesecake! The party hasn't even started yet and you're already complaining?!

LJ: ...Candy?

Jeff: Yes. Everything is on the dining table. All the food, dessert, ya know. Cake. The ice cream is in the freezer.

-Ding Dong-

Jeff: I'll get it
*Opens door*
Hey Slendy

Slenderman: *enters*
My brother's aren't here right?

Jeff: Right...

Slenderman: Ok good.

Jeff: *closes door*

-Ding Dong-

Jeff: *opens door to Splendorman, Trenderman, and Offenderman*

Slenderman: Why are they here?

Offenderman: Why are you here?

Slenderman: >:-/

-Ding Dong-

Jane: I got it
*Opens door to the rest of the invited creepypastas*

Splendorman: We're all here to have fun!

Trenderman: You guys aren't even dressed properly. And what's that on the floor?

Jeff: *looks to where Splendorman pointed*
Um...a stain...

Truth or Dare Jeff the KillerWhere stories live. Discover now