Never To See Again

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Authors note this is my first fan fiction! So sorry in advanced for bad grammar! I don't really know what it is like to be in Korea but I love k pop so I decided to right a fan-fiction of EXO! Hope you enjoy and give me some advice too make sure your nice about it!

" Jee Sun!" My mom yells at me from down stairs, is it morning already? I thought I just fell asleep. Darn oh well guess it's time to get up, yay me! Not really.

We live in China right now but now we are moving to Korea, my moms got a new job and we actually moved to China from Korea for my moms job so before we where here we used to live in Korea; and now we are moving back to Korea I know it is hard to understand but that's how my mom works.

I am happy and sad to be moving; one I am moving back to my home town, and I'm actually going back to my high school if I hadn't moved to China; and two I am sad because tomorrow is my last day at my school and the last day I get to see all my friends.

One more thing I will be happy about leaving is my horrible boyfriend. He trash talks me like a five year old, punches me and worse of all cheats on me. I couldn't break up with him because I'm to scared too.

So right now I have mixed emotions about moving.

After I got dressed I went downstairs to find my mom already cooking breakfast. Yum smells good.

" Thanks mom". I say to her with a smile; now my mom doesn't know about my boyfriend abusing me she still thinks he is great and all that but I guess that's my fault really, so I can't really blame her.

I grabbed my back pack from the bottom of the stairs and sat on the dining room table, this is the last time I will ever get up this early and eat breakfast in my home; I let out a sigh as mom places a plate in front of me french toast with bacon, " no problem". She says with a smile, " and honey what's wrong?" My mom asks, my moms job is to cook and trust me when I say this she is the best cook in all of China whenever my mom has someone that wants to hire her and pay her more money than the last job she takes it. You wouldn't believe how much she gets paid for cooking in high rated places.

" oh nothing you know how sometimes it just feels good to take a deep breath?" I say to her, she smiled in relief. " Oh I know exactly how you feel". She says trying to lighten up the mood.

" I know since today's is your last day of school and since everything is packed in the house, I was gonna let your friends over tonight so you know you can have a last sleep over?" She asks, I have a great mom, sadly my dad got a divorce a long time a go and we haven't seen him since.

" I'd love that I have to ask if they can come though". I say replied. " ok sweet heart". She says back; after I finish my breakfast I grab my bag. " I'm going to ride my bike to school mom!" I yell as I walk out the door.

I pull out my iPhone 6 and put my headphones on; I love riding my bike with music especially in the fall when the beautiful scent fills the air and the leaves change to their beautiful colors this is my fave time of year.

I am wearing ripped jeans with cute boots, a cute rose blouse and a necklace I got from my dad before he left; I don't hate my dad at all I just miss him, I don't want tears strolling down my cheeks so I better try and stop thinking about him.

Before I knew it I was parking my bike and heading into the doors.

My boyfriends name is Blaze, his name is in Chinese because this is where he is born and raised as I was born in Korea

My two best friends are Kwan and Biming Chang. They cried when they found out I am moving I am going to miss them with all my heart.

Today is going to be a long day.....

I walked into the school to find stairs from everyone; like what happened? Did I do something wrong? I kept walking and everyone went back to chattering; I over heard a girl talking, " so she's really moving?" I hear a whisper from a far, " yeah I feel so bad I know how I'd feel if I moved from here wanna go cheer her up?" The mysterious voices murmur.

I don't know why but I have very good hearing it's like I'm some sort of dog I don't know I must be very observant. I turn around right when the girl was about to tap be on the shoulder.

" uh hi" she said, the other girl didn't seem too interested in what was going on; " hi" I reply awkwardly, "so I heard you where moving sorry to here that I feel bad for not talking to you very much I wish I would've though". She says with a smile. " I'm happy your moving". The other girl says, rude much? " What I ever do to you?" I ask curiously. All the sudden my boyfriend pops up behind me; he looks mad as hell. His reddish shaggy hair and brown eyes turn dark sometimes for some reason.

He grabs me harshly by the wrist and takes me into the photographing room where barely anyone goes too; he slaps me in the face leaving a burning sensation. " What the hell you bitch! Your moving with out my permission!?" He screams with anger.

" Believe it or not you can't tell me what to do!" I scream back. I hear poundings on the door " Jee Sun are you okay? Is he hurting you?" I hear Kwan say in fear outside the door.

Blaze pushes me causing me to fall and make chairs fall; I scream in agony as I realize my ankle immediately starts to throb in pain with deformity.

Kwan some how is able to make it inside, he looks so fearful for me and so mad at Blaze; Kwan punches Blaze and Blaze throws back a punch at Kwan.

" Noooo!!! Stoooopp!!" I scream. Suddenly teachers where rushing in pulling Blaze off of Kwan. Everything was happening so fast and I passed out.

I woke in a hospital bed I look around wait no I'm not I'm in my bed; my mom sets down next to me, " honey I need to tell you something". She says in a soothing toon as she rubbed my forehead.

" We are Wolf bloods". She added.

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