Time To Perform

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Today is the day that of the concert, the day you get to perform with Fall Out Boy, and you were very nervous.

You got up, still in your pajamas and walked downstairs. You still had a few hours before Patrick and the rest of the band will be picking you up.

You walked over to your coffee pot and got a cup of coffee and then walked into the living room and over to your laptop, You opened the laptop and sat down on your couch and logged into twitter.

You had thousands of tweets from your fans of your youtube account saying that they would like to meet you. Then one caught your eye, a few caught your eye. Patrick and Pete mentioned you in a tweet.

(A/N: I dont know if Joe and Andy have a twitter, I could never find them.)

Patrick Stump: Its going to be awesome performing with you tonight (yourtwittername)! Im looking forward to it. :)

Pete Wentz: It going to be awesome being your backup band for tonight and its going to be fun performing with you (yourtwittername) :) see you later!

You smiled and then retweeted both their tweets and replied to them

(yourtwittername): Its going to be awesome! Its such an honor to be performing with my favorite band. See you tonight!!!

You also posted and reminder tweet

(yourtwittername) Dont forget that I will be performing with @ Fall Out Boy tonight and I will be performing my own song, also after I will have a small meet and greet. You only have to pay 10 dollars to get into my meet and greet. Hope to see you there!!!!

You sent the tweet then closed my laptop, you sighed and looked over at the clock, you have 2 hours to get ready and calm down your nerves for the concert.

you stood up and walked to your room, You looked at your clothes in your closet and decided on a pair of ripped black jeans, a black fall out boy t-shirt and your black leather jacket. You put on a little make up, which was eyeliner and foundation. You left your hair down and walked out of the bathroom and into your room. You grabbed your guitar and walked downstairs.

Once you was in your living room you set down your guitar and grabbed your phone and texted Patrick.

You: Hey! When will you be over to get me. :)

. . .

Patrick: Hi! We will be over in a few. We are picking you up in our SUV, tour bus is at the venue. :)

. . .

You: Okay! see you when you get here.

You put your phone away and then grabbed your guitar case and put it in the case, You shut it and locked the case so the guitar wouldn't fall out. (boy)

You sat down on the couch and scrolled through your instagram and twitter on your phone until you heard a knock on your door.

You stood up and walked to the door and opened it. There stood Patrick and Pete.

"hi!" Was all you said because you haven't met Pete yet and you was speechless.

Pete laughed "Hey (your name)!"

You looked at Patrick and he was smiling "Hey! Are you ready?" He asked you.

You smiled "Yep! Just let me get my guitar." You said and then went back into the living room and grabbed your guitar then walked back to the door "Now I am!"

You,Pete and Patrick walked down to the SUV and Patrick opened the door for you. You put your guitar in the back first then got in. You looked over and Andy and Joe was sitting next to you and Pete was in the passenger side and Patrick was driving.

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