The Rowdy Prince

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Hello everyone,

Just wanted to say as this story and "TLOTCS" is quite popular,am planning to do a "Halloween special chapter "what happens in it by the way ,won't really be anything to do with the main story line but will clarify that when I post it!

Although its a toss up between this story and "TLOTCS" so am leaving it up to votes. Which ever of the 2 stories latest chapters gets the most votes a "Halloween special chapter" will be done. So get voting guys for your favorite.

look forward to seeing which story will win!




The door to the tavern swung open, as it did, the noise almost deafened the young Prince. There were people on the tables dancing around and gaily singing, couples in passionate embraces kissing and fornicating in the not so dark corners of the tavern.

A man merrily played the fiddle along with a drummer and a singer who sang a jolly tune about laughter, merriment and women.

Some people clapped along in time and others tried to drunkenly sing along. Laughter rang out from every corner of the room and tankards of ale were constantly being replenished. A blazing fire roared, its light flickering across the room as a shaggy black pub dog lay in front of it, stretched out.

Hal grinned to himself as his friends turned and cheered at his appearance, they raised their goblets, while spilling the contents of the tankards slowly over themselves.

One man came staggering forward. He was plump, his cheeks a rosy red from all the alcohol. His eyes like small buttons in his large round face. A wide smile formed on his face as his drunken gaze found Hals. His snowy white hair shone in the candlelight.

Holding his drink aloft as he came forward through the packed tavern.

" The Prince Hal and his Bonnie Lass" he slurred , spilling some of the contents of his ale on the floor as his eyes lingered on the woman at Hals side.


Hal replied after a moment and clapped him on the back. He laughed out loud grabbing the woman just in time, pulling her into his arms as the plump old man lost his balance, nearly falling onto her and fell sprawled out on the wooden floor in front of them.

"Don't you think you have had enough old man?"

A muffled groaning sound came from the floor as Hal stepped over him holding out his hand to the woman. She stepped over Oldcastle daintily.

" I do like this view" Oldcastle remarked as she stepped over him.

Hal burst out into laughter again, this time hardly containing himself as the woman's cheeks went bright scarlet. Her ocean blue eyes almost filled with tears.

"My Oldcastle you are a bad man"

Hal took the woman's arm.

"I am sorry for dear old friends behavior"

He said giving her a smile and putting his hand to her cheek softly. She blushed again.

"Whats your name my fair maiden?"

" Mary"

she said softly, her blonde wheat colored hair, shone yellow in the firelight.

"Mary" he whispered, watching her flustered response with delight, before pulling her over to a table where another woman sat across a mans lap, her arms around his neck, as soon as she saw Hal she jumped up, her brown eyes sparkling, until she saw the blonde woman beside Hal.

Giving a slight frown she sat back down tossing her midnight black hair.Hal sat across from the man and her, giving them both one of his dazzling smiles, pulling down Mary so she was sat upon his lap.

The tavern maid came over and poured out some ale.

"You shall share mine"

Hal said burying his face into Mary's golden locks.

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