The Perplexing Knight

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Authors note

Okay, so this chapter is dedicated to  angelapoppe .Thanks for reading and supporting my work and always making me smile with your kindness. 

C xxx


A heavy silence descended upon the English soldiers who only seconds ago were enjoying a fight between a noble Knight and their commander until they were swiftly interrupted, by the King and his party. 

The King looked formidable, his eyes flashing ice blue like lightning strikes, and his gaze held firm and cold like ice,  as they scanned the situation. His handsome chiseled face in the torch light was filled with pure white rage. 

The soldiers stepped back looking at one another in horror. The french woman was weeping on the ground clinging to her two children who were buried within her arms, there small pale faces looking almost ghost-like in the flickering orange light of the torches. 

The noble knight was standing, panting hard, sword drawn. His face was covered by his visor but his eyes twinkled underneath through the small window in defiance and  the St Georges Cross shone proudly upon the Knights arm. 

A boy stood next to the Knight his face frozen with terror. His wide eyes darted uneasily from the Kings party to the Knight that stood next to him. 

The Knights opponent was sprawled out upon the ground. His expression was twisted in agony as he groaned and withered after clearly  being kicked in the groin. 

The Kings uncle stepped forward his bushy white eyebrows almost disappearing behind his fringe as he spoke in a gentle, quiet tone. His face coolly surveying the scene. 

"What happened here?"

The boy next to the standing knight stepped forward and gave a small elegant bow to the lords. 

"Your majesty."

 He began, his small voice shaking slightly as he took a deep breath and continued, pointing a trembling finger towards the Knight that stood next to him.  

"This noble Knight my lords was trying to save the lady from the soldier and his men who were going to harm her " 

The woman who was still crying nodded and then spoke in a thick french accent in her native tongue.  

" He saved me" she cried and pointed at the Knight. 

Henry turned to look at the Knight. Those sparkling eyes under the visor held his gaze defiantly as if daring him to challenge them. 

Henry stepped forward closing the gap as the Knight stepped back maintaining it. Henry raised an eyebrow as his uncle stepped in between the two. 

"Well done. You are a true English knight. It was very noble of you to save this woman"

 His kind gaze went to the Lady and he smiled at her, his eyes shining like caramel in the light of the torches. Then he shocked the Knight by putting a hand upon his shoulder. 

Henry saw the Knight flinch. 

"There is no need to be scared of my Uncle" 

He said somewhat  perplexed by the Knight's character. 

He hadn't even taken off his visor in front of him. The King of England. 

He thought as he gazed intently at the Knight,  beginning to feel somewhat frustraited. 

"When we return to England you shall want for nothing. I shall indeed make you a proper Knight"  he said wondering if that was what the man under that visor wanted to hear. 

Henry beamed at the man who bowed slowly saying nothing. Perhaps not? Maybe he didn't want riches after all? This Knight really. 

 He then turned his attention back to the soldier that still lay withering on the muddy ground. 

After feeling his blood boil in rage yet again he turned to his uncle, no longer wanting to look at the filth that was on the floor. 

"Imprison him and show him what happens when soldiers step out of line. We don't pillage and we don't rape!" 

He spat the last word at the soldier who's face had gone deathly pale. The soldier sat up abruptly and started to beg for forgiveness as the Kings Uncle beckoned the other Lords forward and soldiers appeared grabbing the man and escorting him away as his screams of protest filled the air. 

Turning Henry called for his horse " That's enough for today" He said to them all. He suddenly felt overhelmingly weary and a headache throbbed, threatning to split his head in two. His uncle nodded and his cousin brought him his black stallion, getting on the steed he gave one last look at the Knight and the boy. 

Opening his mouth to say one last thank you but  instead, he closed it instantly, spurring on his horse he made his way back towards the fields of tents that sat just outside the town. 

That Knight  certainly intrigued him. 

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