The Beginning

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The one thing that would stop me from doing whatever the hell I wanted when I wanted. I had always been the type of person who didn't care what happened until lately . Lately things have been different. Ever since I started highschool everything has changed. Everyone said it would be difficult. They said it would be confusing and tough . But what they didnt say was that entering a new stage of your life known as becoming a highschooler is not all its cracked up to be.                                

Tuesday August 25

"Welcome freshman " the teachers all shout while giving off cheesy smiles. We all are ordered to gather in the auditorium to recieve the same speech that all teenagers entering Bhs was forced to hear. "We are so excited to have you hear and hope that your are as open to letting us help you as we are" the principal says in a calm monotone. Pssh yeah right. Why does the staff even try to act like its going to be a fun exciting experience when in reality its just like middle school with more sarcasm immaturity and dumb pointless relationships that everyone swears is going to last but escalates very quickly. Ive honestly never been a dating relationship type person simply because I don't care. I don't care about the way I look, rules, and especially guys. I just don't see a point in wasting your time investing in a person who in the end is going to hurt your feelings anyways. I guess that's just my point of view. Ive always been a little different than the others. Perhaps its because ive been through more than some of the stuck up bratty children around here who thinks pain is when you break a nail or pluck your eyebrows. No true pain is found in the your emotions. Emotional pain is what really hurts a broken leg heals but a broken soul does not.

After about thirty minutes we are finally dismissed to our first period classes. Mine is 302 Miss Hash English. Great I hear shes a real handful. the typical evil teacher with black hair and long nails. a short pencil skirt with a jean jacket and dark black top. Her hair stays in a perfect bun to show that she means business.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 08, 2015 ⏰

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