Chapter 9

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Broken History (2006)

I was lying on the couch watching TV. I was half in and out of it. I had so much weed and liquor in my system that I really couldn't think straight. The love of my life left me. I had almost OD on some of the best shit in my life. The TV was just staring at me. I was lost in my own thoughts. I had lost all faith in everything I have ever known. There is no such thing as love. I have come to the conclusion that I was just going to fuck my way through life, and hope these no good ass females don't catch feelings. If they did then I guess that would be the end of that. I reached down and grabbed the bottle of Henny off the floor. I placed the bottle to my lips and drank it like it was water.

"Damn nigga turn on some lights,"

I rolled my eyes. I forgot that I have given Drina a damn key. She walked in and turned on the lights.

"Are you on that shit again?" she said already sounding pissed.

"No, just weed and liquor," I told her as my words slurred together.

She stood in front of my face and was blocking the spot I was staring at and thinking about life.

"You look like shit, and smell bad, "She said and bent down in front of me.

I looked at her and smirked.

"School hasn't started yet and I haven't been nowhere so I'm good, "

She shook her head and grabbed my hand.

"Come on lets get you in the shower, "

"I'll take one later, what you need Drina?"

She sighed.

"Look the girl did you wrong, you have been fucked over a lot, but I know for sure this ain't you. Dimplez might not have been the one. You going to find love again; but this whole pity party shit has to stop you can't get bitches looking like this," she said.

She grabbed my hand and started to pull me off the couch. I allowed her to. She was right. I had mad bitches wanting me. I shouldn't stress over one girl.

I don't know if it was the liquor but Drina was looking real good to me and I hadn't fucked in a minute.

"Drina, you gonna let me hit?" I asked her.

She looked at me and bit her bottom lip.

"No Nigga, we are fucking best friends. We can't do that again," she said.

"Stop acting like you don't want me to eat again," I said.

She laughed. I was serious.

"Go take a shower nigga," she said and pushed me towards the bathroom.

"Whatever after I get all fresh and smelling good, don't try and rape me,"

She laughed.

"Go wash your nasty ass,"

I was in the shower for like an hour. Just letting the hot water hit my skin. It felt good. The hot water had taken my mind off of everything that had happen. After I got out the shower and got dressed. I went and sat on the couch next to Drina. I laid my head in her lap.

"You're a nosey ass best friend,"

"Yo ass been locked up in here for like a month,"

"It hasn't been a month, just a couple of weeks,"

She placed her hand on my stomach and started to rub it.

"So I missed having my best friend around. Who else am I going to argue with?"

"Easy, with Dee. Y'all two go at it all the time,"

I was starting to get sleepy.

"So," I felt her other hand start to rub my head.



"I was really scared. I don't want to lose you, "

"I'm sorry,"

I was starting to drift off to sleep when I felt Drina tighten the grip she had on me.

"Smilez, you know we've been through a lot, you are my best friend, a damn sister to me. If you would of died, I would have killed you," She mumbled.

I turned my head and looked at her. She was staring into space and had tears rolling down her cheeks. I've never seen her cry before.

"Come on, let's go do something," I said.

She looked down at me and smiled. She whipped her eyes.

"If you ever tell somebody I was crying I will kill you," She said.

"Whatever lets go find me some pussy to get into, since you won't help me out," I said.

She laughed.

"I'm going to blame all of this talk on the liquor," She said.

I nodded my head. I knew it was all the substance in my system. She just happened to be the first female I've seen.

"I could call up that Shada trick," I said.

She looks like she will give it up real quick.

"Smilez I don't like that bitch," Drina said.

I sat up and went over to the door to grab my shoes.

"So, I just wanna hit," I told her.

She walked behind me and slapped me on the back on my head.

"Why can't you fuck some other random that doesn't look like she carries a mental illness?"

I laughed and opened the door. All this walking was making me get drunker. I handed Drina the keys.

"Where everybody at?" I asked.

"The spot,"

"Is that where we going?" I asked.

We were on the elevator.

"Yeah, even though you look bad," She said.

"What's wrong with my attire?"

"You have on sweat pants, a t-shirt, and slides. You look like you going to bed. Not to mention this bad ass ponytail you got going on," she said.

The door open and we got out and made our way to my car.

"I will still pull bitches though,"

She rolled her eyes and unlocked the door.

"Fuck I can't wait till you stop growing," she said as she pulled my seat all the way up.

"I can't wait till you start growing, and I'm only 5'9," I told her.

I wasn't as tall as Ace big ass. She was damn near 6'0 even.

"Whatever," She rolled her eyes and took off.

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