Graduation exams

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This is what Miku looks like but with purple hair (ignore the swords)

Miku's POV

Today was the graduation exams. I was there early. I was the first one. I sighed aNd started to read the scrolls I borrowed from Grandpa yesterday. It contains ninjutsus. I also tried to make my own ninjutsus. Anyway the good thing is I made some. My first one and the strongest one is 'Hell'. I mixed ice and fire. Soon you'll find out. Last night I read the whole book. It shows how to do chakra control, which I aced. I slept at 10:00pm last night. I also learned fire dragons, water dragons, ice dragons, and earth dragons from scrolls. I was so busy I did not notice someone coming in. A few minutes later I sensed someone's chakra and presence. I was In my ninja outfit, which I cursed. Truth is I hate skirts. I only wore them when I have nothing else. And now my ninja outfit shows a Small part of my legs and it was sleeveless. I turned to the person who was there and I saw a duck-butt again. I wasn't listening for his name. So I don't know his name. I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulders. he turned around and glared. I just smiled.
"umm...can I ask you, your name before your fan-girls get here?" I asked

Sasuke's POV

When I entered the room I wasn't the first one there. The new girl was there but with full equipment. And clothes. She dosent even noticed me she was just reading there. I sat in my seat and glared at the wall. Until I feel a tap. I averted my glare to the new girl, but she just smiled. Heh another fan-girl.
"Umm...can I ask you, your name before your fan-girls get here" she asked she doesn't even know my name.
"why would I tell you?" My glared intensified. "Cause you have a name" she replied frowning a little. "I don't have time for weaklings" I scoffed. Her smile faded. It was now a frown. "Fine I'll just call you duck-butt from now on" she replied. My eye twitched. We did not even notice others were slowly filling up the room. And everyone was there except for the teacher. "What did you say?!" I asked through greeted teeth. "Duck-butt" she said frowning. The boys whistled. Some snickered. My fan-girls were glaring daggers at her. "Say that one-" I was cut off by her saying "what's your name Duck-butt?..and I'm not a weakling you know?" She said with a frown. "Who do you think you are?! I'm an Uchiha for Gods sake" I yelled. I don't know why though. Why did I snapp at her. "So uchiha....the holders of Sharingan...well that's interesting. Still it's useless against me duck-butt" did she just insulted me?!. "Heh...says look even weaker than me." I smirked my famous smirk. "So?..don't let looks fool you Uchiha..." She smirked. The boys whistled. Sakura started to walk up to her. "Hey who do you think you are insulting or talking to my sasuke-kun slut" she said. Damn she's annoying. "Shut up Princess Bubblegum" she said in a monotone. Heh..princess bubblegum..."why you little..." She cut her self off.. By trying to stab the new girl at the back. She just dodge it and walked away and waved her hand saying "you know Uchiha Sasuke...your fun to annoy.."....she was just toying with me....

Miku's POV

i just wamted to know his name then he says I'm a weakling...I just wanted payback so i pissed him off. Until princess bubblegum came. Sighing I went to my seat besides Naruto seeing he was there grinning at me. Which I return. I like Naruto as a friend he's nice...

the he test then started It was now my turn I went into the room and sighed. When I was there Iruka-sensei introduced me to Mizuki-sensei. I have a bad feeling about that guy.
"Now Miku if you can make 3 clones." Iruka sensei said
"sure" I replied with a smile. My arms were dangling at my side and then POOF! 10 me's appeared. I sweatdrop.
"sorry about that too much practice I guess" I laughed awkwardly.
"you may choose your head protector now" Mizuki-sensei said. And for the first time here I glared an icy cold glare at him. Which made him freak out.
"I'll choose the black one...and careful Iruka-sensei" I said and glared at Mikuzki who smirked. I then did the unexpected. I threw a kunai at him. Which he froze and o walked away.

i came back outside and went back to the class room. just so you guys know I put my forehead protector on my neck. Like a chocker. But I did not remove the necklace Aou and Kaori gave me. It was still noticeable. The cross that is.

i saw Naruto on his decked all depressed. I just sighed and ruffled his hair and said
"Ne, Naruto. If you'll pass. I'll make you dinner." I offered. He looked at me and nodded
"I'll pass believe it!" He said. His name was called. And then I said
"good luck!"

After the the exams I came out of the academy and went to a park near by. I saw parents proud of their child. I wish my parents never hated me...oh well...I then heard parents whisper about a kid by the swing who did not pass. I looked to see who it was Naruto...he looked lonely, and sad. I approached him and said "Ne, Naruto. Don't listen to those parents over there. I'm sure you'll get it next time" I said comforting him.
"thanks Miku-chan...I'll see you later" he said and walked off. I then went home took a long shower and slept without eating.

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