Chapter 31.

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Joe's P.O.V

Ok, so I may have already been at the tube station when Kelly rang me. Eager beaver you can call me but I just needed to get out of the apartment. Caspar had been winding me up all morning. Saying that I was running around like a headless chicken and that I didn't need to look my best. I don't care, still needed to look presentable. I've given Caspar a warning not to say anything about how I feel to Kelly. Hopefully he'll respect that when I bring Kelly back to our apartment.

I suddenly see a mass of people coming up the escalator, a train must've just arrived. Kelly must be here. I look out for her and see her dragging along her suitcase. She puts her ticket through the machine allowing her through. I see her looking around trying to find me so what was the best idea I had? To stupidly run up to her so she'd notice me. I have to admit I slightly regret doing so. I looked an absolute idiot but it made her laugh so that's the main thing.

Kelly's P.O.V

I arrive at Knightsbridge tube station and make my way out towards the front to look for Joe, on my way I see him stupidly running over to me causing me to giggle. "Hey Joe! Nice to see you again!" I begin. "Hey Kelly! You too!" Joe replies opening his arms wide indicating a hug. I embrace and hug him back. "How you been?" I ask him. "Good thanks, and you? Let me take that for you" he takes my suitcase and we begin to walk out of the station. "You sure? Good thank you" I reply, following him. "Blimey! How much you got in here?!" Joe over exaggerates. "Enough, I am a girl so I have a lot of essentials you know!" I lightly punch him in the shoulder. We both laugh and make our way to Joe's apartment.

"Here we are" Says Joe as he carries my suitcase up a couple of steps leading to a door. "You were right by saying you didn't live far from the tube" I follow him. He laughs as he opens the door. Definitely not what I expected. A long, but wide corridor full of different apartments I'm guessing. After one flight of stairs we reach his apartment. It's so nice. A big living area and kitchen. I'm guessing the bedrooms are downstairs which is odd because I'm sure most places have bedrooms upstairs. "Nice place" I begin, taking off my jacket and unsure of where to put it. "Thanks, I'll take that for you. Make yourself at home. Can I get you anything? A drink?" Joe replies talking my jacket and placing it on the dining chair and makes his way to the open plan kitchen. "I'll have a glass of water please" I answer, making my way to the white sofa. I try my best to "make myself at home" but I'm finding it impossible to do so. I feel tense and awkward. "Here we go" Joe passes me a cold glass of water, "Thanks" I reply. "So.. What would you like to do for the rest of the day?" Joe asks. "I don't mind, even though I've lived in London for nearly a year I haven't been able to explore.." I get cut off before I can finish. "Hiiiiiiiiii" a voice shouts coming from the stairs. That must be Joe's roommate. "This is Caspar, my roommate" Joe begins, placing his feet on the coffee table. "Hi Caspar, I'm Kelly. Nice to meet you" I reply. "Nice to meet you too Kelly" Caspar replies. "Joe, I'm going to Oli's to film a video. See you later, you to Kelly" Caspar continues putting his jacket on and grabbing his keys from the table. "Bye mate" says Joe as he flicks through the channels on the tv. I guess Caspar is also a YouTuber too.

"I guess we should start looking at some places to go?" Joe asks once he finds a music channel he's happy with. "Yeah, go for it" I reply. "I'll just get my laptop, be right back" says Joe as he gets up off the sofa and makes his way downstairs to his room I presume. I check my phone to see the time and see a text message from Lucy. "Just been to see Harry, he says he misses and loves you too and hopes you're well. You should text him. I'm sure he'd like that" I re-read the message. Should I text him? We did say we would continue to be friends. So why not? I go for it - "Hi.. You got my message then? I got yours too. I'm well thank you. How are you?" I press send without any hesitation. I put my phone back into my pocket just as Joe returns from downstairs. "Sorry about that, I momentarily lost my laptop" Joe begins. I laugh in return as Joe places his laptop on the coffee table in front of us both. He takes a seat and opens up a new tab on the Internet. "So.. Where shall we have a look at?" I ask. "Good question. Where have you never been before?" Joe asks. Well... That's a difficult question to answer, I've practically been to most places, I just haven't been able to explore these places what with being on tour with Harry. "Well.. I've been to most places what with going on tour with Harry.. " I look to the floor, pausing before I continue. "I just haven't been able to explore the places we went to" still looking at the floor, Joe notices my awkwardness.

Learning To Love (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant