Harry's p.o.v

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A/N: what'd you think of the last chapter? I don't like to write sad and depressing things so I figured I might as well write something fun.


"You guys know you have an interview tomorrow night! You shouldn't be Rough housing! One of you could've broken something! " Paul is still scolding us 30 minutes later. He gets a call on his cell phone and answers it. After a minute he hangs up. " The cars are waiting for you guys out front." We all get up and are and about to run Out of the place.

"No running you guys!" Paul says sternly. He ushers us out of the room and down the hall. We exit through the back of the stadium and get into the waiting car.
It only takes about 20 minutes to get to our hotel and we all hop out. Paul checks us in and gives us our room keys. We take the elevator up to the top floor and bid each other good night.

I open my door and walk in. I almost run into my luggage on the rack which is by the bathroom door. In my room there is a king sized bed against the wall to my left,and the window looks out into the city and I can see all the buildings lit up. The mini fridge is stocked with soda and the cabinet next to it is filled with chips. I grab a Coke and some Doritos and sit on the bed. It's so fluffy and soft, almost like sitting on a cloud. I turn on the tube and flick through the channels, I ended up watching Family Guy. It's the episode where Brian owed Stewie some money and kept giving excuses why he couldn't. The part where Brian buys a fake mustache cracks me up every time.

After the episode is over i look o er at the clock next to the bed, it's reads 12:54 and I know we have a big day tomorrow. I get up and throw the chip bag and empty can away and get my blue pajama bottoms out of my suit case. I change out of my cloths, leaving my white undershirt on and put on my Pajama bottoms. I brush my teeth and wash my face. I hear a knock at my door and pray that it's Louis.

I open it to see Niall standing there. " Hey Niall. What's up?"

"Louis' in my room and won't stop crying and I don't know what to do. Liam is in there trying to calm him down but he keeps saying 'I'm so sorry Haz' and we need your help." He blurts out. I stand there for a moment and look at Niall. He gives me a waiting look.

"Sure hold on." I finally say and put on my slippers.

I walk across the hall and two doors down. I knock and Liam immediately answers.
"What's wrong?" I ask him.

" We don't know. He came knocking on Niall's door and busted out crying. Niall came and got me and I tried to calm him down but he than started babbling 'I'm sorry Haz' and I sent Niall to get you." He explained while I walked in.

Louis was sitting on the edge of the bed while Niall sat in a chair in front of him and was talking to him.

Louis had his head in his hands crying. My heart broke right then and there. I rushed over to Louis and sat down next to him, I put an arm around the older boys shoulders. He looked up with red eyes and a blotchy face.

"I-I'm s-so so-rry Haz-z!" He sobbed.
I hugged him to help calm him down, his body shuddering. " I figured it out." I say.

"Y-you what?" He asks pulling back and looking at me, the tears stream down his face.

"I figured it out. The whole baby thing. I figured out that it was management. That hint with the baby doll and you telling me to use my head. Also the kissed helped." I say smiling.

His eyes lit up and a huge smile broke across his face. He hugged me so tight that I thought my ribs were going to break. He suddenly let go and a frown was on his face. "You can't let anyone else know about how you know it isn't real. You have to pretend that it's real or they won't let us ever be even standing next to each other," he turned to Niall and Liam who had their mouths hanging open. "You two too. You have to pretend that it's real. Please?" They both nod their head and close their mouths.

"Well this is just too much in one day," says Liam. "First you have us all think that you and Harry are over then you tell us it's all a lie! I'm going to bed and pray it won't be this shocking tomorrow. Night guys.Glad you two are OK." He says. We say good night for the second time.

"Well I'm kinda tired too." Said Niall. He just pulled back the covers on the bed we were still sitting on and crawled under with his Ireland shirt on and sweat pants. I grabbed Louis' hand and walked out of the room, turning off the lights.

I was about to head to my room but a hand on my elbow stopped me.

"Can you spend the night in my room?" Asked Louis. " Or at least lay with me and then go back to your room?"

"Sure boo bear." I say with a smile on my face.

We enter his room and climb under the covers. I wrap my arm around him and he lays facing me.

"Thank you Haz."

"Always Lou."

"Love you."

"Love you too Lou."

And with that we unintentionally fell asleep in each others arms.

A/N: What will happen next? Will management find out that Harry and the others know?

I have loads of plans for this story and I'm ubber excited to continue!!

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