Chapter 6: Let's re-group!

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No one's POV

"S-So uhmm..."Fate stared awkwardly at Rei. They've just been standing there for the past few minutes, continuing from the previous chapter.

"Well?..."Rei's face was red as she stared back, brows furrowed. "C-Can we?"

"O-Of course we can."Fate nodded, a bit panicked as she looked around to observe the area first. "Ah, there."She spots a motorcycle close by. "Let's take that to gain speed."

"If you say so.."Rei slightly nodded her head as she follows the taller blonde to the vehicle. Only to be cock blocked by one of 'them.' It wearing a helmet and attempting to bite at them like an idiot. "Oh god... seriously, I'm not in the mood for this." she grunted loudly.

"Calm down Miyamoto-san."Fate nervously states as she takes the 'monster' in front of them down without hesitation, not really giving thought if it was an actual person. They knew alrleady that it was one of 'them' since it attacked them in an unusual way. 'Gosh, are girls usually this moody during that time of month? Lindy-san isn't like this at all...' the taller thought to hersef as she checks the motorcycle to see still had the keys in. 'Lucky us.'

"Alright, let's get going."Rei commented as she was going to get onto the motorcycle, a bit excited since it was her first time riding one of those.

"Do you know how to drive this thing?"Fate asked curiously, a brow rose. This stopping Rei from getting on.

"Of cour-... Well... No, not really."Rei shook her head. "I played a game though?"

"I see... I don't think letting you drive will be a good idea though."Fate shrugged, telling the brunette the truth.

"Are you assuming I'll be bad at this?"Rei took offense, glaring at the other. "Do you always judge a book by it's introduction page? It's cover?"

"I understand you have experience with the video game version for a motorcycle but,... listen... I'm not juding you Miyamoto-san."Fate pointed out calmly. "I'm just pointing out an important fact here, you're on your...monthly friend... right now with no sanitary pad. It could be uncomfortable right?... To drive while in this state?" She stated in a worried tone, looking at Rei with affection in her eyes.

Rei was slightly taken back by this but shook it off, "I guess..."

"I'm very sorry for ruining things like this.."Fate furrowed her brows, frustrated at herself. "You can drive it later when things are..uhnn... stable I guess...? For now though, just sit on my lap and allow me to drive."

"Sit on your lap Harlaown-san?"Rei's eyes widen slightly. "I don't mind but.. wouldn't the blood-"

"That's okay, I'm taking us to the mall to get your sanitary pads. We're going to need a lot right? Since there are a lot of girls in our little... group?"Fate chuckled. "We can just get a change of clothes there, right?"

"If you say so."Rei nods, laughing a bit with Fate.

"Let's get going now."Fate nodded as she took a seat on the motorcycle seat. She patted her lap while looking at Rei. "Hoepfully this isn't too awkward for you? We just met today..."

"It's not THAT awkward, I mean we're both girls."Rei shrugged a bit. "If you were a guy and I had to do that, then maybe it'd be a bit awkward for me." She then took a seat on Fate's lap, facing to the right so her legs weren't...spread. "This is an awkward position to be driving in though, isn't it?"

"I guess so but it's alright."Fate slightly nodded with a nervous smile as she starts the bike.

"So, do you know how to drive one of these?"Rei stared curiously. Looking into Fate's burgundy eyes.

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