Chapter 12 - What about who?

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Chapter 12
Raven's POV
"Raven..." a familiar voice whispered, shaking my shoulder.

"Hmph..." I grunted.

"Raven, wake up!"

"Ha! Wha-- Who--?!" I gasped.

"Raven, we're gonna be late." Jake, tapped my forehead.

"Oh..." I yawned and stretched, "What time is it?" I asked.

"Not less than 5 minutes before class, sleeping beauty." He cocked an eyebrow.

"What?!" I jumped out of bed.

I climbed down the bed ladder and immediately scrambled for my clothes.

"Okay..." I looked through my mess of clothes and picked a jacket and jeans, "Now I-- What are you STILL doing here?" I frowned at him.

"Waddya mean?" He said sounding like an idiot.

"Well, I can't change my clothes if a good-for-nothing pervert is watching me!" I crossed my arms.

"Hey, I'm not a perv!" He looked at my body, "And besides...You look chubby."

Oh no, he di'int! I thought and I pushed him outside.

"Out! OUT!" I yelled as I kicked him to the hallway.

"Ow!" He fell on the floor, "Was that necessary?" He said as I slammed the door and changed my clothes.

-A few seconds later-
"Okay,". Grabbed his shoulder, "Let's go!"I pulled him as we ran through the hallway like headless chickens.

"Slow down or you--"

BAM! I bumped straight into a student and fell straight down the floor.

"Ow, my head..." I stood up.

"Ah..." The student grunted.

"Oh my gosh," I ran straight to the student, "I didn't mean to I wa--" I stopped and examined who I bumped into, he looked familiar.

"Wait...Aren't you," I tapped my chin in thought, "Gasp, Drake?! OMG, I'm so super sorry I really am! I--"

"It's okay, ow..." He stood up still holding the back of his head, "I'm fine." He smiled and looked the floor and picked up something.

"Raven, you okay?" Jake asked.

"I'm fine." I replied with a smile.

"This must be yours, Raven." Drake said as he handed me my textbook.

"Oh, yeah it is," I took the book, "Thanks."

"No problem," He shoved his hands to his pockets, "I should get going, you should as well, you don't wanna be late."

"Oh, yeah, class," I tucked my books,"See ya!" I waved.

"Bye." He turned around and walked away.

"I don't like him." Jake mumbled.

"What?" I looked at him.

"N-Nothing!" He slightly blushed and hid his face, "Let's get going." He said as he walked away.

What's that all about? I thought.

--At Prof. Banister's Class--
Jake's POV
"...Hence causing the neurotoxin reach the brain faster..." The Prof. Dozed off the lesson.

I was still thinking about that Drake guy, I don't know why, but I don't like it when he gets close to Raven, Heck, I don't like any other guy to get close to her.

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