Chapter 15 - Sleepless

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Raven's POV
My eyes snapped open, I couldn't sleep, not after the fiasco at the cafè.

I looked down at the (one and only we got) alarm clock.

"3:46 am..." I grunted, wiping my face with my hand.

"Hey..." I heard Jake whisper, "Why are you still awake, Little Owl?"

Little Owl? So now we're calling each other nicknames? Game on.

"You know that nickname doesn't make any sense," I placed my chin on my hand, "Considering the fact that owls are nocturnal."

"Woah, you actually listened to Science Class?" He laughed.

I rolled my eyes.

"You should probably sleep though, it's for your own good." He said, laying back to his bed.

"Okay, I will."

I laid back, staring at the ceiling, then I slowly close my eyes, but I still couldn't sleep.

I rolled around, trying to find the best and most comfortable position, but I had no luck finding one.

I opened my eyes yet again, I climbed down my ladder and grabbed my phone from the desk then climbed back up.

I sat on my bed, I surfed through my contacts until I finally found Emma's number.

Me: Hey, Em, you up?

Yeah right, Emma's awake this early in the morning, makes perfect sense. (-_-)

Emma: I am now. (>_>)
Me: Sorry, I just really need someone to talk with right now.
Emma: Why are up so early anyway? Are you having nightmares about man-eating pandas again?
Me: What? No, I just...Can't sleep, that's all (- 3 -)

Shit, did I just sent my message with a pout face? Darn it.

Emma: You just used a pout face, it's about Jake isn't it?
Me: Yeah.
Emma: Dude, if you like him THAT much, just freaking hook up already I need to sleep!!! >:/
Me: Woah, do you have like, PMS or something?
Emma: Haha, very funny.
Me: Geez, why so cranky?
Emma: Sorry, I just don't like being disturbed from my beauty sleep.

Yeah, I can see that.

Emma: So what's the problem now? Did Jake rape you or something?
Me: What? Ew, no! Well...Sort of, I guess...?
Emma: Woah, did you make it to second base?
Me: Eh...Almost.
Emma: Dude.Like.What?! *gasp* are you still a...You know...
Me: What?! Of course I still am! We didn't do anything!
Emma: Denial is the clincher!
Me: (-___-)
Emma: Okay, so you DIDN'T do anything. What's wrong?
Me: I don't know really...I'm so confused right now. I can't sleep, I can't focus on anything and I somehow feel so happy when I'm around Jake...I just...Nevermind.
Emma: Woah, I never realized you were THAT gaga for him.
Me: I am not gaga for him!
Emma: Well, if you like him that much why not just tell him?
Me: I'm pretty sure he knows already.
Emma: Are you sure? What if he doesn't?
Me: It's probably best I don't tell him..I'm too scared to show my real feelings to him, I don't want to end up heartbroken again.
Emma: Oh right...It's that Kevin guy from your highschool right?
Me: Yeah.
Emma: But that dude's a player! Jake's a nice guy, if you don't tell him soon, he'll become someone else's, trust my advice, just tell him you like him!
Me: And if I end up being broken again?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2016 ⏰

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