Chapter 1 - Head Boy and Girl

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Chapter 1 – Head Boy and Girl

“Potter, you self-centered, stupid, bullying, git!” Lily Evans said hitting him with her book bag, after dragging herself up from the ground.

“I swear,” James Potter said, “I didn’t do it on purpose, it was an accident!”

She just glared at him as she picked up her owls cage that had been toppled over.

“Just go away Potter, no one needs you here.” Lily said with venom.

James stepped forward, and went to pick up one of her books off the ground, when Lily smacked and pulled his hand away. “I have it Potter and it wouldn’t even be in the floor if you hadn’t pushed it over. Go away before I hex you.” Glaring at him, James finally gave in. Picking up his stuff, he headed for the train. Sighing heavily, Lily got on her hands and knees and tried picking up all the stuff that exploded out of her trunk.

When everything was finally put back in its original place, she put a light weight charm on the items, and easily carried it onto the train.

Opening a compartment door, she found some of her friends sitting inside.

“Hey Alice,” Lily said to the round faced seventeen year old.

“Hey,” Alice replied. Although Alice was a Hufflepuff, her and Lily have always been very good friends. Alice frowned at Lily, and Lily could have only guessed why.

“Your face is red,” she said. “Did you run into Potter again?”

Lily frowned. “Yeah, when is he ever going to learn to grow up?”

Alice smiled knowingly, “If he won’t leave you alone, I can go beat him up for you.”

Lily laughed while sitting down, “Yeah that would be funny. Alice Urquart, beating up James Potter! You know, I really would like to see that.” They laughed a bit more.

“So what did you do this summer?” Marlene McKinnon asked.

“Well,” Alice replied. “My family decided to go to Greece, to visit our cousins. They were there trying to help my aunt pick a husband for my cousin Marian. You know my cousins, right Lily? The pureblood fanatics.” Lily nodded in annoyance. She went to her house once, and her parents hadn’t really approved of Lily’s heritage.

“And you know what is even worse?” Alice asked. Marlene shook her head.

“My dad was hinting that it was time to start finding me one as well.” Lily huffed why Marlene rolled her eyes.

“That wouldn’t be a problem if you would just accept being Longbottoms date.” Marlene muttered.

Alice looked annoyed. “Why? He annoys me; always trying to brag that he got top marks in Herbology. I mean, no one bloody cares!” The other two girls just giggled.

“Come on,” Marlene pushed her arm. “He’s cute!”

Alice rolled her eyes at the Ravenclaws antics. “Sometimes I wonder why Lily isn’t a Ravenclaw and you are a Gryffindor.” Marlene just laughed a little bit more.

“Anyways,” Lily said. “I have to head off to talk to the prefects. You know, being head girl and all.”

“Oi!” Alice shouted playfully, “No need to brag.”

“What is there to brag about? Being head girl stinks.” Marlene said.

Lily just laughed and left the compartment.

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