Chapter 2 - Missing Class

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Chapter 2 - Missing Class

    Lily had woken up blurry eyed and tired, hearing a loud ringing noise from somewhere. She sat up in surprise to find herself in her own room, in a queen sized poster bed, and at Hogwarts. Groaning to herself, she pulled back the red curtain surrounding the bed, and the sun through the window attacked her face. The ringing noise that had sounded, ended.

Lily looked around blinking in confusion before realizing some important facts she hadn’t thought about before. She had forgotten that she was in her own room with no one to wake her up, her stomach was rumbling with hunger, and the bell that had went off only a few seconds ago, was the bell signaling classes to start.

Gasping, she jumped off her bed and rushed to her trunk, pulling out everything and pretty much thrashing her room. She mentally cursed herself, wondering why she hadn’t re-organized her trunk on the train after Potter had dumped it over. Growling under her breath, she dug her clothes out from underneath her things and finished getting ready. With a quick brush of her hair, she swung her book bag over her shoulder and darted out of the room. The common room was unsurprisingly empty, and she ran out of the portrait hole.

After a long run, jogging through the corridors, she slowly came to stop, realization dawning on her. She hadn’t received her timetable yet, she had no idea where she was supposed to be going. Lily wanted to scream; but instead, ran up to the wall to her right and kicked it as hard as possible. Feeling a  pain shoot up her leg, she bit her lip holding back her hurtful yelp. Then she sighed and slid her back against the wall, until she was sitting down. Her year was already the best year yet. Leaning her head against the wall, Lily closed her eyes, sleep still bubbling inside her.


“Do you think we should wake her up?”

“Nah, she looks comfortable.”

“Seriously? Look at her neck!”

“It look’s fine.”

“Please tell me that’s sarcasm.”

“What sarcasm?”

“I should slap you.”

“What did I do?!”

“You’re an idiot.”

“I’m so confused..”

“Clearly proving my point.”

Lily blinked slowly as she woke up. Lifting her head up from its very uncomfortable position, she groaned. “Ow…”

“Told you her neck looked wrong.”

“I never said you were wrong,”

“Yeah… you did.”

“Not really.”

“In so many words you did.”

Lily was clearly confused at what was going on in front of her. There was a very pretty blonde, she seemed to be about the age of either a fifth or sixth year, and then there was the very familiar face of no other, Sirius Black. They were arguing in front of her, and were really the reason for her waking up. “What are you two arguing about?” Lily asked.

The two looked up at her, and the blonde had a smile on her face, and Sirius just rose an eyebrow. “You of course.”

Lily tried to stand up, but tripped on her bag lying on the ground, and almost face planted. The girl in front of her caught her though. “Wow there, careful.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2014 ⏰

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