Chapter 5-Out Of Sight

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~Joel Goran P.O.V~

This morning we had a huge hospital meeting over this Honduras immigrant who was working on a chicken farm and got both hands chopped off.
After the meeting, Maggie tried using her sexual status to get her in on the surgery.
Such a user she is.
Then Dr Kinney called me back in to talk on who would work on attaching the left hand.
"Right hand is on me. Simon's on ortho. Reycraft on vascular" she thinks aloud.
"Strong team" I say with a nod.
"Left hand, I put Carpenter on plastics, you on ortho, and for tying up, I was thinking Blenco" she said to me.
"Shaneria?" I check if I heard right.
"Yeah. Shes good" She answered, confident.
"If not Shaneria, than who? Alex?" I ask.
"Cant. Shes gone home to rest" she replies, not sure why I was doubting Dr Blenco.
"You sent her home?" I ask.
"She fell asleep during grand rounds" she tells me.
"So bring her back" I state.
"Joel, I know she is very precise in what she does" she says, with an annoyed sigh.
"Shes more than that. She was born to tie up veins. Her hands are rock solid!" I encourage for Reid to come back in.
"Shes exhausted and we both know it...but why do you doudt our newest player?" She asks me, leaning forward with curiosity.
"Its not that I doudt Dr Blenco. I would more than encourage her to be a part of this major surgery but she herself just got off the operating table. She will not be able to withstand much at all for a little while" I explain, surprised Dana didnt know.
"Surgery? Dr Blenco had surgery?" She said, not hearing about this yesterday.
"Yes. Gun shot wound" I say.
"How is she?" She continues.
"Recovery is slow but she made it against the odds" I say, getting bored of this conversation.
She nods and then types on her computer,
"Perino it is".
I shake my head and leave.

I was intending to go to the front nurses station but I catch sight of Shaneria in her room.
I go up the door and hesitantly knock.
She weakly rolls her head to the side to look at me.
She hooked up to almost every machine possible.
I open the door and gently close it with a click.
"How ya feeling?" I ask and stand at the door.
"Could be better" she says softly with her eyes half closed.
"The hip okay? No pain in your right side? Any headaches?" I continued the questions.
She lets out a soft laugh and then replies in a hoarse voice "Im not dying".
Her humor makes a small smile appear on my lips and I go sit in the visitor chair next to her bed.
"You'll never believe the surgery we are doing today" I tell her.
"What would that be?" She asks.
"We are going to reattach a man's hands" I reply, waiting for a sour reaction.
She makes a icked out face and says, "glad Im not a part of it".
"You almost were. Dana suggested you" I say, trying to boost her ego.
"At least she likes me" She smiles weakly.
"Oouch" I say, trying to act offended.
She laughs again as I grin.
She getting back to her old self again.
Thats when the sound system pages me to the ambulance discharge.
I stand up, signalling I have to go.
"Dont screw up, Goran" she jokes as I get to the door.
I turn my head to smirk back, "kept you alive didnt I".
She smiles as she breathes deeply from in her nose and closes her eyes.
I leave her room and jog to where the handless man was being loaded off.

We did a quick chat with the paramedics and I was handed the cooler with the two hands in them.
I race to the surgery room now.
We're on a clock.

"All scrubbed in and ready to go Dr Goran" Maggie said as I reached the scrub sink and handed off the hands.
"Maggie" I say, now realising I have to disappoint her.
"Yeah?" She says, happily thinking we'll walk in together.
"Im sorry...uh...I didnt get to ask Dr Kinney about you. Ive been too busy fighting for Dr Reid" I admit, gently.
"Dr Reid?" She says, jealously evident but as well as sorrow.
"Yes. She has the skills I need for this. Its not just any old surgery" I explain, trying not to hurt feelings.
"I know. Thats why I wanted to be a part of it" She says softly, not believing this.
"Well. Um. I said I would try, and it didnt work out...thanks for your understanding" I say and gently tap her shoulder as I pass her shocked figure.
She rips off her masks and walks away in anger.
"Breaking hearts huh, Dr Goran" the Chinese nurse asked me in a joking manner as she came up next to me.
"Its nothing personal" I say, putting on my surgical cap.
"Its the way its gotta be".

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