Chapter 18-Give Life & Then Take it

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*Shaneria Blenco POV*

A week had passed since the suspicious death of Eve Guthery.
And my serious thought of quitting.
But Nate and a few other doctors made me drop the idea.
Just because of my bad 'relationship' with Joel, doesnt mean I should let go of the patients here in Hope Zion.
I love helping people...
I love being a doctor...
and I wont let anyone stop me.
But back on the Eve Guthery topic...
It was puzzlesome.
We would be led to believe one thing, but then a sudden twist of facts change it.
So we were yet to come to a for sure conclusion of her death.
But I think it could be linked to the person sending me these scary and gruesome letters.
I showed a few others and got the police involved.
Not only did it threaten my safety, but others aswell.
It sent me on edge a bit.
I didnt know what would come next on the papers.
But I didn't take it seriously.
Its been a week and no action suggesting it was from the writer, came forth.
All these threats yet nothing has happened. Im beginning to take it as a joke.

"Hey Shaneria, biopsy report came back" Nate says, coming up to the table in the staff room, I was eatting my lunch at.
He hands me the file and I flip through it.
I saw no significant notes besides my own from when We did the first examination.
I set the papers down in annoyance and tell him, "I dont get it! There has to be some conclusion!".
He sits down in the chair across from me and leans forward on his crossed arms, "there is a conclusion: animal attack".
I look up to him, expecting him to have been on my side due to the countless exams we did together on Eve's body.
"You know that there were tests done that prove other wise, Nathaniel" I say in frustration.
I really really really wanted to figure her case out. It was so mysterious and unknown. Just knowing would be self satisfaction.
"Yeah but-" he began, yet I cut him off as I rise from my hard chair, "Someone is lying about her information. Not every hospital in Canada will send reports back saying it was nothing".
He looks up to me.
I could see it in his eyes that he knew something about this.
Im just good like that.
With the files in my hand and after throwing my apple core out, I went back to work.
Leaving him to dwell on his own.
As I walk to my patients room to discuss his heretic vascular problems, Joel catches up to me and stops me.
"Im on my way to discuss a treatment plan for my patient Im suppose to see-" I look to my watch, "-In 2 minutes".
"It will only take a few seconds" he says.
I shift my weight onto my right foot, hug the tan file to my chest, and look into his dark brown eyes.
"Thank you" he starts, regarding me letting him speak.
Then he continues, "I want us to be friends, Shaneria".
I sigh and let my arms drop as I roll my eyes.
"Please...I dont want this resentment between us. I know you have given me chance after chance after chance. But I have become different after taking upon this higher responsibility. I can make this work" he says, wanting to take my hands but knowing I wouldn't allow it, nor would the clipboard.
With my emotionless face studying his remorseful one, I then look away and lick my lips in thought.
My eyes wander as I must give Joel an answer quickly.
I can hear him swallow thickly and turn back to him.
"One more time..." I sigh.
"One more chance" he says with a small smile and extends a hand as a friendly gesture.
I look at his hand like a bitch would glance at another women.
I then extend mine and touch his warm skin.
We do a meaningful one shake and then leave the touching at that.
"So I was thinking-" He began.
I knew exactly where this was going.
"Im off the market for the moment, Joel" I tell him, instantly.
"What?" He questioned in disbelief.
"Youre too late and unfortunate. I dont two time" I inform.
"With who?" He ask, regarding the guy Im seeing.
"Another doctor" I say, not going to budge on anymore information.
"Well I guess I'll just have to show you I'm better" he smirks and gazes flirtatious at me.
"Well I'll guess you'll have to try" I reply and smile as a 'play-along'.
I then walk past him and enter the door I intended to go through, 2 1/2 minutes ago.
* * *
I was almost at a end of my discussion with 85 year old; Mr Noble, when a male nurse comes knocking on the glass window of the 'lounge' room we usually meet and talk with our patients.
I look his way and he tells me, "Your sister has arrived in labour. She wanted us to tell you. Sorry for interrupting".
"Thanks" I respond almost too excited to pop out the words.
He shuts the door behind him and Mr Noble tells me, "Go...see the gift of life".
"But Im not done answering your questions" I reply, wanting to leave but knowing I have this as a job.
"I may be dead tomorrow...dont worry about me" he smiles.
I give a half smile back, his 'joke' was funny but not at the same time.
I gather my papers that I had brought to discuss with Mr Noble and rush out.

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